The Camp Fire Girls at School eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 236 pages of information about The Camp Fire Girls at School.

The Camp Fire Girls at School eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 236 pages of information about The Camp Fire Girls at School.

The noise penetrated to the dressing room where she lay on a mat: 

  “Ach du lieber lieber,
  Ach du lieber lieber,
  BREWSTER!  No, ja, bum bum! 
  Ach du lieber lieber,
  Ach du lieber lieber,
  BREWSTER!  No, ja!”

Sahwah raised her head.  Another cheer rent the air: 


Sahwah sat up.

“BREWSTER!  BREWSTER!  WE WANT BREWSTER!” thundered the gallery.  Sahwah sprang to her feet.  Like a knight of old, who, expiring on the battlefield, heard the voice of his lady love and recovered miraculously, Sahwah regained her strength with a rush when she heard the voice of her beloved school calling her.

When the teams came out for the second half Sahwah came out with them.  The gallery rocked with the joy of the Washingtonians.  The whistle sounded; the ball went up; the machine was in working order again.  Washington was jubilant; Carnegie Mechanics was equally confident now that it was in the lead.  Sahwah played like a whirlwind.  She shot the ball into the basket right through Marie’s hands.  Once!  Twice!  The score was again tied. “12 to 12,” shouted the scorekeeper through her megaphone.  Like the roar of the waves of the sea rose the yell of the Washingtonians: 

“Who tied the score when the score was rolling?  Who tied the score when the score was rolling?  Brewster, yes?  Well, I guess! She tied the score when the score was rolling!”

Then Sahwah’s luck turned and she could make no more baskets.  She began to feel weak again and fumbled the ball more than once.  Marie laughed sneeringly when Sahwah failed to score on a foul.  The game was drawing to a close.  “Two more minutes to play!” called the referee.  The ball was under the Mechanicals’ basket.  The Washington guards got possession of it and passed it forward to Sahwah, who threw for the basket and missed.  The ball came down right in the hands of Marie.  The Mechanicals were excellently placed to pass it by several stages down to their basket.  Instead of throwing it to center, however, she tried to make a grandstand play and threw it the entire length of the gymnasium to the waiting forward.  It fell short and there was a wild scramble to secure it.  Washington got it.  “One minute to play!” called the referee.  A score must be made now by one side or the other or the game would end in a tie.  The Washington guard located Sahwah.  The Mechanicals closed in around her so that she could not get away by herself.  Marie towered over her triumphantly.  At last had come the chance to use her famous method of guarding.  The crowd in the gallery leaned forward, tense and silent.  The Mechanicals’ forwards ran back under their basket to be in position to throw the ball in when Marie should send it down to them.  The Washington guard threw the ball toward the massed group in the center of the floor.  As a tiger leaps to its prey, Sahwah, with a mighty spring, jumped high in the air and caught the ball over the heads of the blocking guards.  Before the Mechanicals had recovered from their surprise she sent it whirling toward the distant basket.  It rolled around the rim, hesitated for one breathless instant and then dropped neatly through the netting.  It was a record throw from the field.

Project Gutenberg
The Camp Fire Girls at School from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.