The Camp Fire Girls at School eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 236 pages of information about The Camp Fire Girls at School.

The Camp Fire Girls at School eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 236 pages of information about The Camp Fire Girls at School.

The Doctor noted with a thrill of artistic pleasure how each girl, as she came over the crest of the hill, stood silhouetted against the red line of the sun for an instant.  A ripple of tender amusement went among the watchers as Althea was borne in, clad in her little ceremonial dress and headband.

As this was the big Council Meeting of the year it was more elaborately staged than the ordinary ceremonial meeting.  Instead of a large fire being kindled in the center of the circle the first thing, four fires were laid, one in the center and three small ones around it in the form of a triangle.  The girls were divided into three groups to represent Work, Health and Love.  Each group in turn tried to light the big fire in the center, but in vain; it went out every time.  Sorrowfully the groups returned to their own small woodpiles, which they did not think it worth while to light.  Suddenly a little, bent old woman appeared from somewhere and stood beside the Work group, shivering with cold.  “The stranger is cold,” said one of the Work Maidens, “we must light our fire for her sake, even if it is not worth while for ourselves.”  The fire was lighted and the little old woman stretched out her hands to the cheerful blaze until she was warmed through.  Then with a blessing on the Work Maidens she went her way.

Faint with hunger, she stopped beside the Health maidens and begged a bite of food.  “We must light our fire and cook something for this hungry stranger,” said one of the Health Maidens, “even if it is not worth lighting for ourselves.”  So they lit their fire and solemnly broiled a wiener which the little old lady devoured eagerly, and passed on, likewise giving them her blessing.

When she came to the Love group it was quite dark, and she begged a light from them that she might find her way up the mountain.  So they lit their fire and handed her a torch, upon which she straightened up and threw off her poor cloak and revealed herself as a young and beautiful maiden, the good fairy who inhabited those parts.  Holding her torch aloft, she began to dance in and out among the three fires as lightly as a wandering night breeze.  Suddenly she stooped to the Health fire and picked up a burning brand; then darting to the Work fire, she picked up a burning brand; then running to the great pile of firewood in the center of the circle, she flung all three down together.  The mingled Fires of Work, Health and Love kindled the Fire of Wohelo, which each one separately had failed to light, and as the flames mounted in the big fire the little fires were scattered and stamped out, and the girls sprang to their feet singing, “Burn, Fire, Burn.”  A round of applause followed this masterly presentation, and Nyoda, who had worked it out, was called on to make a speech.  A fine little bit of by-play not planned for by Nyoda was staged when Sahwah dramatically cast her crutches into the Fire of Health.

Project Gutenberg
The Camp Fire Girls at School from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.