The Balkans eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 396 pages of information about The Balkans.

The Balkans eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 396 pages of information about The Balkans.
  relations with the Balkan League,
  relations with Rumania,
  Ruman and South Slavonic populations in,
Austrian politics in Rumania,
Austrians and Serbs, relations between,
  and Turks,
Avars, the:  their invasion of the Balkan peninsula with the Slavs,
  their war with the Bulgars,
  bay of,
Avshar tribe,
‘Ayon Oros’,

‘Balance of Power’, the,
Balkan League, the,
  formation of the,
  dissolution of the,
Balkan peninsula, the, annexation of, by Mohammed II,
  control of,
  economic unity of,
  German policy in,
  nationalism in,
  Slav inhabitants of,
  Turkish power in,
  under Roman rule,
Balkan States, relations between the,
Balkan war, the first (1912-13),
  the second (June 1913),
Banat, the,
Basil I, the Emperor,
Basil II, the Emperor,
  ‘Slayer of the Bulgars’,
Bassarab, dynasty of,
Bayezid I, Sultan,
Bayezid II, Sultan,
Beaconsfield, Earl of,
  capital of Serbia,
  captured by the Serbs (1807),
  captured by the Turks (1521),
  its Celtic name,
  Treaty of (1739),
Berchtold, Count,
  Congress of (1878),
  Treaty of (1878),
Bessarabia, Bulgars in, 25,
  regained (1856),
  lost again (1878),
  importance with regard to present situation,
Bieberstein, Duron Marschall von,
Bitolj:  see Monastir. 
Black Castle of Afiun,
Black Sea,
  Russian exclusion from,
Bogomil heresy, the,
Boja, lord of Kashgar,
Boris, Bulgar prince (852-88),
Boris, Crown Prince of Bulgaria,
Bosnia, annexation of,
  independence of, and conquest of, by the Turks,
  in relation to the other Serb territories,
  its Slavonic population,
  relations of, with Hungary,
  revolts in, against Turkey,
  under Austro-Hungarian rule,
  under Turkish rule,
Bosphorus, the,
Botzaris, Marko,
Brankovi[’c], George,
Brankovi[’c], Vuk,
Bratianu, Ioan (father),
Bregalnica, battle of the (1913),
Bucarest, Committee of,
  Peace Conference (1913),
  Treaty of (1812),
Bucovina, acquisition by Austria,
  Rumanians in,
Budapest, in relation to the Serbo-Croats,
Bulgaria, declaration of independence by, and assumption of
                                   title Tsar by its ruler,
  conflicting interests with Greece,
  early wars between, and the Greeks,
  geographical position of,
  growth of,
  intervention on the side of the Central Powers in the European War,
  its division into eastern and western,
    extent of western,
  in the two Balkan wars (1912-13),
  its early relations with Rome,

Project Gutenberg
The Balkans from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.