Anabasis eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 339 pages of information about Anabasis.

Anabasis eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 339 pages of information about Anabasis.
had taken, and soured with the whole army, that he left it to his subordinate, Neon, to do just what he liked.  Xenophon, on his side, would still have been glad to be quit of the expedition and sail home; but on offering sacrifice to Heracles the Leader, and seeking advice, whether it were better and more desirable to continue the march in charge of the soldiers who had remained faithful, or to take his departure, the god indicated to him by the victims that he should adopt the former course.

In this way the army was now split up into three divisions[4].  First, the Arcadians and Achaeans, over four thousand five hundred men, all heavy infantry.  Secondly, Cheirisophus and his men, viz. one thousand 16 four hundred heavy infantry and the seven hundred peltasts, or Clearchus’s Thracians.  Thirdly, Xenophon’s division of one thousand seven hundred heavy infantry, and three hundred peltasts; but then he alone had the cavalry—­about forty troopers.

[4] The total now amounted to 8640 and over.

The Arcadians, who had bargained with the Heracleots and got some vessels from them, were the first to set sail; they hoped, by pouncing suddenly on the Bithynians, to make as large a haul as possible.  With that object they disembarked at Calpe Haven[5], pretty nearly at the middle point in Thrace.  Cheirisophus setting off straight from Heraclea, commenced a land march through the country; but having entered into Thrace, he preferred to cling to the seaboard, health and strength failing him.  Xenophon, lastly, took vessels, and disembarking on the confines of Thrace and the Heracleotid, pushed forward through the heart of the country[6].

[5] The Haven of Calpe = Kirpe Liman or Karpe in the modern maps.  The
    name is interesting as being also the ancient name of the rock
    fortress of Gibraltar.

[6] Some MSS. here read, “In the prior chapter will be found a
    description of the manner in which the absolute command of
    Cheirisophus was abruptly terminated and the army of the Hellenes
    broken up.  The sequel will show how each of these divisions
    fared.”  The passage is probably one of those commentators’ notes,
    with which we are now familiar.


The Arcadians, disembarking under cover of night at Calpe Haven, 1 marched against the nearest villages about thirty furlongs from the sea; and as soon as it was light, each of the ten generals led his company to attack one village, or if the village were large, a couple of companies advanced under their combined generals.  They further agreed upon a certain knoll, where they were all eventually to assemble.  So sudden was their attack that they seized a number of captives and enclosed a multitude of small cattle.  But the Thracians who escaped began to collect again; for being light-armed troops they had slipped in large numbers through the hands of the heavy infantry; and

Project Gutenberg
Anabasis from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.