Anabasis eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 339 pages of information about Anabasis.

Anabasis eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 339 pages of information about Anabasis.

After Clearchus another spokesman stood up, and proceeded to point out the simplicity of the speaker, who proposed to ask for vessels, just as if Cyrus were minded to renounce the expedition and sail back again.  “And let me further point out,” he said, “what a simple-minded notion it is to beg a guide of the very man whose designs we are marring.  If we can trust any guide whom Cyrus may vouchsafe to us, why not order Cyrus at once to occupy the pass on our behoof?  For my part, I should think twice before I set foot on any ships that he might give us, for fear lest he should sink them with his men-of-war; and I should equally hesitate to follow any guide of his:  he might lead us into some place out of which we should find it impossible to escape.  I should much prefer, if I am to return home against the will of Cyrus at all, to give him the slip, and so begone:  which indeed is impossible.  But these schemes are simply nonsensical.  My proposal is that a deputation of fit persons, with Clearchus, should go to Cyrus:  let them go to Cyrus and ask him:  what use he proposes to make of us? and if the business is at all similar to that on which he once before employed a body of foreigners—­let us by all means follow:  let us show that we are the equals of those who accompanied him on his much up formerly.  But if the design should turn out to be of larger import than the former one—­involving more toil and more danger—­we should ask him, either to give us good reasons for following his lead, or else consent to send us away into a friendly country.  In this way, whether we follow him, we shall do so as friends, and with heart and soul, or whether we go back, we shall do so in security.  The answer to this shall be reported to us here, and when we have heard it, we will advise as to our best course.”

This resolution was carried, and they chose and sent a deputation with Clearchus, who put to Cyrus the questions which had been agreed upon by the army.  Cyrus replied as follows:  That he had received news that Abrocomas, an enemy of his, was posted on the Euphrates, twelve stages 20 off; his object was to march against this aforesaid Abrocomas:  and if he were still there, he wished to inflict punishment on him, “or if he be fled” (so the reply concluded), “we will there deliberate on the best course.”  The deputation received the answer and reported it to the soldiers.  The suspicion that he was leading them against the king was not dispelled; but it seemed best to follow him.  They only demanded an increase of pay, and Cyrus promised to give them half as much again as they had hitherto received—­that is to say, a daric and a half a month to each man, instead of a daric.  Was he really leading them to attack the king?  Not even at this moment was any one apprised of the fact, at any rate in any open and public manner.


Project Gutenberg
Anabasis from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.