Gentle Measures in the Management and Training of the Young eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 327 pages of information about Gentle Measures in the Management and Training of the Young.

Gentle Measures in the Management and Training of the Young eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 327 pages of information about Gentle Measures in the Management and Training of the Young.

“I’ll tell you a story about two boys, Jack and Henry, and you shall tell me which of them came off best.  They both went to the same school and were in the same class, and there was nobody else in the class but those two.  Henry, who was the most diligent scholar, was at the head of the class, and Jack was below him, and, of course, as there were only two, he was at the foot.

“One day there was company at the house, and one of the ladies asked the boys how they got along at school.  Jack immediately said, ’Very well.  I’m next to the head of my class.’  The lady then praised him, and said that he must be a very good scholar to be so high in his class.  Then she asked Henry how high he was in his class.  He said he was next to the foot.

“The lady was somewhat surprised, for she, as well as the others present, supposed that Henry was the best scholar; they were all a little puzzled too, for Henry looked a little roguish and sly when he said it.  But just then the teacher came in, and she explained the case; for she said that the boys were in the same class, and they were all that were in it; so that Henry, who was really at the head, was next but one to the foot, while Jack, who was at the foot, was next but one to the head.  On having this explanation made to the company, Jack felt very much confused and ashamed, while Henry, though he said nothing, could not help feeling pleased.

“And now,” asks the mother, in conclusion, “which of these boys do you think came off the best?”

Johnny answers that Henry came out best.

“Yes,” adds his mother, “and it is always better that people’s merits, if they have any, should come out in other ways than by their own boasting of them.”

It is true that this case of Henry and Jack does not correspond exactly—­not even nearly, in fact—­with that of Johnny and his cousin.  Nor is it necessary that the instruction given in these ways should logically conform to the incident which calls them forth.  It is sufficient that there should be such a degree of analogy between them, that the interest and turn of thought produced by the incident may prepare the mind for appreciating and receiving the lesson.  But the mother may bring the lesson nearer if she pleases.

“I will tell you another story,” she says.  “There were two men at a fair.  Their names were Thomas and Philip.

“Thomas was boasting of his strength.  He said he was a great deal stronger than Philip.  ‘Perhaps you are,’ said Philip.  Then Thomas pointed to a big stone which was lying upon the ground, and dared Philip to try which could throw it the farthest.  ‘Very well,’ said Philip, ’I will try, but I think it very likely you will beat me, for I know you are very strong.’  So they tried, and it proved that Philip could throw it a great deal farther than Thomas could.  Then Thomas went away looking very much incensed and very much ashamed, while Philip’s triumph was altogether greater for his not having boasted.”

Project Gutenberg
Gentle Measures in the Management and Training of the Young from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.