Jerry of the Islands eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 252 pages of information about Jerry of the Islands.

Jerry of the Islands eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 252 pages of information about Jerry of the Islands.

At the best, they were only second-rate gods, and he could not forget the great white-gods such as Skipper and Mister Haggin, and, of the same breed, Derby and Bob.  They were something else, something other, something better than all this black savagery in which he lived.  They were above and beyond, in an unattainable paradise which he vividly remembered, for which he yearned, but to which he did not know the way, and which, dimly sensing the ending that comes to all things, might have passed into the ultimate nothingness which had already overtaken Skipper and the Arangi.

In vain did the old man play to gain Jerry’s heart of love.  He could not bid against Jerry’s many reservations and memories, although he did win absolute faithfulness and loyalty.  Not passionately, as he would have fought to the death for Skipper, but devotedly would he have fought to the death for Nalasu.  And the old man never dreamed but what he had won all of Jerry’s heart.

* * * * *

Came the day of the Annos, when one of them made the invention, which was thick-plaited sandals to armour the soles of their feet against the poisoned thorns with which Nalasu had taken three of their lives.  The day, in truth, was the night, a black night, a night so black under a cloud-palled sky that a tree-trunk could not be seen an eighth of an inch beyond one’s nose.  And the Annos descended on Nalasu’s clearing, a dozen of them, armed with Sniders, horse pistols, tomahawks and war clubs, walking gingerly, despite their thick sandals, because of fear of the thorns which Nalasu no longer planted.

Jerry, sitting between Nalasu’s knees and nodding sleepily, gave the first warning to Nalasu, who sat outside his door, wide-eyed, ear-strung, as he had sat through all the nights of the many years.  He listened still more tensely through long minutes in which he heard nothing, at the same time whispering to Jerry for information and commanding him to be soft-spoken; and Jerry, with whuffs and whiffs and all the short-hand breath-exhalations of speech he had been taught, told him that men approached, many men, more men than five.

Nalasu reached the bow beside him, strung an arrow, and waited.  At last his own ears caught the slightest of rustlings, now here, now there, advancing upon him in the circle of the compass.  Still speaking for softness, he demanded verification from Jerry, whose neck hair rose bristling under Nalasu’s sensitive fingers, and who, by this time, was reading the night air with his nose as well as his ears.  And Jerry, as softly as Nalasu, informed him again that it was men, many men, more men than five.

With the patience of age Nalasu sat on without movement, until, close at hand, on the very edge of the jungle, sixty feet away, he located a particular noise of a particular man.  He stretched his bow, loosed the arrow, and was rewarded by a gasp and a groan strangely commingled.  First he restrained Jerry from retrieving the arrow, which he knew had gone home; and next he fitted a fresh arrow to the bow string.

Project Gutenberg
Jerry of the Islands from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.