Old Greek Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 155 pages of information about Old Greek Stories.

Old Greek Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 155 pages of information about Old Greek Stories.

“What! that young Titan!” he cried.  “Well, I will punish him in a way that will make him wish I had shut him up in the prison-house with his kinsfolk.  But as for those puny men, let them keep their fire.  I will make them ten times more miserable than they were before they had it.”

Of course it would be easy enough to deal with Prometheus at any time, and so Jupiter was in no great haste about it.  He made up his mind to distress mankind first; and he thought of a plan for doing it in a very strange, roundabout way.

In the first place, he ordered his blacksmith Vulcan, whose forge was in the crater of a burning mountain, to take a lump of clay which he gave him, and mold it into the form of a woman.  Vulcan did as he was bidden; and when he had finished the image, he carried it up to Jupiter, who was sitting among the clouds with all the Mighty Folk around him.  It was nothing but a mere lifeless body, but the great blacksmith had given it a form more perfect than that of any statue that has ever been made.

“Come now!” said Jupiter, “let us all give some goodly gift to this woman;” and he began by giving her life.

Then the others came in their turn, each with a gift for the marvelous creature.  One gave her beauty; and another a pleasant voice; and another good manners; and another a kind heart; and another skill in many arts; and, lastly, some one gave her curiosity.  Then they called her Pandora, which means the all-gifted, because she had received gifts from them all.

Pandora was so beautiful and so wondrously gifted that no one could help loving her.  When the Mighty Folk had admired her for a time, they gave her to Mercury, the light-footed; and he led her down the mountain side to the place where Prometheus and his brother were living and toiling for the good of mankind.  He met Epimetheus first, and said to him: 

“Epimetheus, here is a beautiful woman, whom Jupiter has sent to you to be your wife.”

[Illustration:  “‘Epimetheus, here is A beautiful woman.’”]

Prometheus had often warned his brother to beware of any gift that Jupiter might send, for he knew that the mighty tyrant could not be trusted; but when Epimetheus saw Pandora, how lovely and wise she was, he forgot all warnings, and took her home to live with him and be his wife.

Pandora was very happy in her new home; and even Prometheus, when he saw her, was pleased with her loveliness.  She had brought with her a golden casket, which Jupiter had given her at parting, and which he had told her held many precious things; but wise Athena, the queen of the air, had warned her never, never to open it, nor look at the things inside.

“They must be jewels,” she said to herself; and then she thought of how they would add to her beauty if only she could wear them.  “Why did Jupiter give them to me if I should never use them, nor so much as look at them?” she asked.

Project Gutenberg
Old Greek Stories from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.