The Wonders of Prayer eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 451 pages of information about The Wonders of Prayer.

The Wonders of Prayer eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 451 pages of information about The Wonders of Prayer.

“This good man of faith and prayer that I have spoken of, was passing through the town and heard the case, and was very much grieved and distressed for the individual.  He took him on his praying list.  The case weighed on his mind when he was asleep, and when he was awake.  He kept thinking about him, and praying for him, for days; and the first we knew of it, this ungodly man came into a meeting, and got up and confessed his sins, and poured out his soul.  His barroom immediately became the place where they held prayer-meetings.”


The Rev. W.H.  Boole, a city missionary in New York City, has been witness in his ministries, of many cases of complete deliverance from bad habits, and appetites, solely by believing prayer.  Many are contained in a little tract written by him, “The Wonder of Grace.”  He gives a few of these incidents: 

“One is an officer in a church in New York, who had used tobacco for forty years, making during that time many efforts to abandon the practice, but always failing because of the resultant inward growing.  But he was brought to an act of specific faith in Jesus, to save him from the appetite, and now, after several years, he testifies, ’From that hour all desire left me, and I have ever since hated, what I once so fondly loved.’”

“Another is of a prominent church member in Brooklyn, N.Y., who had used tobacco for thirty years, and could not endure to be without a cigar in his mouth, and sometimes even rose and smoked in the night; after many failures to overcome the habit, one night when alone, he cast himself on his Savior for just this victory; and from that hour was delivered from the desire as well as from the outward act, and now wonders that he ever loved the filthy practice.”

“A certain old lady, who lived near Westbrook, Conn., aged seventy, was a confirmed opium eater, and used daily, an amount sufficient to kill twenty persons.  She was led to see that the habit was a sin; and as such, she abandoned it, with specific application to Christ to save her from it.  She was heard, and lived for two years afterward, free from any desire for that drug.”

“A similar case was that of a carpenter, in Brooklyn, N.Y., who, from taking morphine to allay the pain of a fractured leg, fell into its habitual use, till he almost lived upon it for several years after his recovery.  He once swallowed, in the presence of several physicians, a dose which it was calculated would destroy the lives of two hundred ordinary men.  Not long since, he was made to look at this as a sin, and tried to break off the habit, abstaining, with an alarming reaction, till five physicians declared that death would ensue, if he did not resume it.  This he did for a year; but then on a certain Sunday evening, broke off again, casting himself by faith on Christ, from which moment the desire left him, and has never returned, and he has experienced no reaction or other ill effect, but has greatly improved in health.”

Project Gutenberg
The Wonders of Prayer from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.