The Wonders of Prayer eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 451 pages of information about The Wonders of Prayer.

The Wonders of Prayer eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 451 pages of information about The Wonders of Prayer.

“Perhaps one of the most striking cases of blessing recorded is that of a lady, who was subject to fits of insanity so violent that they threatened her life, and who was so far conscious of her miserable condition, that happening to go into a meeting where she heard God’s word, she requested to be prayed for.  A friend wrote to Maennedorf, describing the case, and asking prayer on her behalf; and only a fortnight later, the same friend communicated the happy news of her recovery.  After a fit of unusual severity, she fell into a deep sleep, from which she awoke in her right mind; more than that, she learned to believe in the Lord Jesus, and rejoiced in His love.”

“A patient in this institution, who arrived unconverted, and was thought to be in a dying state, heard the good news of Salvation, and was enabled to rejoice in the Lord, through simple trust in Him; and from that moment she began to rapidly recover from her disorder, and soon became strong enough to nurse another patient.”

Another remarkable case was that of a young girl who, in consequence of the breaking off of a marriage engagement, manifested decided symptoms of insanity.  She not only recovered from her malady, but found the Saviour.


Prayer was asked for a young lady who was wholly blind.  A letter received soon after brought this joyful news: 

“In answer to your prayer for our niece, I must thankfully tell you, her eyes are so much better that the Doctor this morning told her to thank God for having saved her from the most dangerous kind of cataract.

“While examining her eyes, the Doctor, who is a Jew, took up a book lying near, and opening it told her to try and read, which she was able to do with ease.  It was a hymn book, and the first words on which her eyes fell were these: 

    ’Christ Jesus, glorious King of Light,
      Great Conqueror, David’s heir,
    Come now and give my blind eyes sight,
      O Saviour, hear my prayer!’

“‘That will do,’ said the Doctor, ‘you are much better.’

“I for my part hastened to my chamber, and shutting the door fell on my knees with a cry of joyful praise.”

Threats were made by many of the villagers that they would burn up the house for this institution, saying all manner of unreasonable things.  “You can not prevent this by prayer,” said one writer, “we have taken an oath to do it.”  Mr. Zeller remained quiet, taking no notice of these threats, but quietly trusted in the Lord.  Though other anonymous letters came frequently, yet the threats were never carried out.

It will he seen from this that, blessed as was the work of faith, still the spirit of persecution was permitted by the Lord only to make his own children rely more confidently on Him, and that he might fulfill more positively his promise, “No evil shall befall thee, no harm come nigh thy dwelling.”

Project Gutenberg
The Wonders of Prayer from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.