The Wonders of Prayer eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 451 pages of information about The Wonders of Prayer.

The Wonders of Prayer eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 451 pages of information about The Wonders of Prayer.

Another instance of the presence of God with his children is clearly manifest in the following sketch of a meeting of two brethren, of whom the writer was one, held in the conference room of the First Baptist church in Troy, N.Y., of which church he was a member.  The meeting alluded to occurred in the early spring of 1840 or ’41.  We were accustomed to meet almost every day for the purpose of arranging the Sunday school library, but would occupy a portion of the time, usually at noon, in prayer for such persons or objects as were presented to the mind.  On the particular occasion we propose to mention, it was mutually agreed that we pray for one of the brethren, whose gifts were of a high order, and his usefulness hindered by a lack of spirituality.  We mutually bowed in prayer for this brother, and while thus engaged the door of the room was opened, and a person entered and knelt between us, but who he was, or the purpose of his visit we knew not until we had ended our prayer, at which time the person spoke and requested us to continue praying for him.

At the conclusion of the service, the question was mooted how he came there.  His reply was in substance as follows:  “When standing on a stoop on the corner of Fourth and Congress streets, cogitating which way I should go, I was impressed by a voice within which directed my course to the Conference Room.  I debated with the impression, taking the position that it being noon no meeting was then in progress.  Still the impression remained, and could not be removed.  Noticing this, I gave way to the voice and here I am.”  Neither of the three thus brought together could doubt for a moment that our prayer for this brother was answered.  His joy was great in view of being thus called from his delinquency to share in the fullness of his Savior’s love.

“Another instance in the experience of the writer very clearly shows the power and worth of prayer.  About the year 1840, in the Autumn thereof, he experienced a lack of vital, spiritual energy.  This had been of months’ continuance, but to his joy, culminated after retiring to rest.  After this manner, before sleep overcame him, he was impressed to present his case before the mercy-seat.  To do so he arose from his bed, retired to a quiet part of his home and bowed in prayer, seeking to occupy the entire night if need be in prayer for the bestowal of the Holy Spirit, and the consequent revival influences of other days.  This season of prayer was of short continuance; but not by reason of disrelish for the exercise, but because my prayer was answered and a complete breaking away of the previous hindrances to my spiritual enjoyment.  Since the event alluded to, now more than thirty-six years, I have not been afflicted by doubts, and counsel brethren and sisters not to allow themselves to be made unhappy by this evil to our spiritual progress.”


Project Gutenberg
The Wonders of Prayer from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.