The Fern Lover's Companion eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 98 pages of information about The Fern Lover's Companion.

The Fern Lover's Companion eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 98 pages of information about The Fern Lover's Companion.


A Fern Lover
Prothallium Diagram
Pinnate Frond
Bipinnate Frond
Pinnatifid Frond
Spore Cases
Linen Tester
Curly Grass. Schizaea
Cinnamon Fern. Osmunda cinnamomea
Sensitive Fern. Onoclea sensibilis
Ostrich Fern. Onoclea Struthiopteris
Interrupted Fern. Osmunda Claytoniana
Climbing Fern. Lygodium
Flowering Fern. Osmunda regalis spectabilis
Adder’s Tongue. Ophioglossum
Grape Fern. Botrychium
Polypody. Polypodium
Beech Fern. Phegopteris
Cloak Fern. Notholaena
Filmy Fern. Trichomanes
Bracken. Pteris
Maidenhair. Adiantum
Cliff Brake. Pellaea
Lip Fern. Cheilanthes
Rock Brake. Cryptogramma
Chain Fern. Woodwardia
Shield Fern. Polystichum
Wood Fern. Aspidium
Bladder Fern. Cystopteris
Hayscented Fern. Dennstaedtia
Hart’s Tongue. Scolopendrium
Walking Fern. Camptosorus
Asplenium Type
Athyrium Type
Sporangia of the Five Families
Common Polypody. Polypodium vulgare
Sori of Polypody
Polypody in mass (Greenwood)
Gray Polypody. Polypodium incanum
Brake.  Bracken.  Sterile Frond
Bracken.  Fertile Frond
Bracken, var. pseudocaudata
Spray of Maidenhair
Sori of Maidenhair
Maidenhair. Adiantum pedatum
Alpine Maidenhair
Venus-Hair Fern. Adiantum capillus-veneris
Purple Cliff Brake. Pellaea atropurpurea
Dense Cliff Brake. Cryptogramma densa
Slender Cliff Brake. Cryptogramma Stelleri
Parsley Fern. Cryptogramma acrostichoides
Alabama Lip Fern. Cheilanthes alabamensis
Hairy Lip Fern. Cheilanthes lanosa
Slender Lip Fern. Cheilanthes Feei
Pinnae of Slender Lip Fern
Powdery Cloak Fern. Notholaena dealbata
Common Chain Fern. Woodwardia virginica
Net-veined Chain Fern. Woodwardia areolata
The Spleenworts
Pinnatifid Spleenwort. Asplenium pinnatifidum
Scott’s Spleenwort. Asplenium ebenoides
Green Spleenwort. Asplenium viride
Maidenhair Spleenwort. Asplenium Trichomanes
Maidenhair Spleenwort. Asplenium Trichomanes (Fernery)
Ebony Spleenwort. Asplenium platyneuron
Bradley’s Spleenwort. Asplenium Bradleyi
Mountain Spleenwort. Asplenium montanum
Rue Spleenwort. Asplenium Ruta-muraria
Rootstock of Lady Fern (Two parts)
Sori of Lady Fern. Athyrium angustum
Varieties of Lady Fern
Lowland Lady Fern. Athyrium asplenioides
Silvery Spleenwort. Athyrium acrostichoides
Narrow-leaved Spleenwort. Athyrium angustifolium
Pinnae and Sori of Athyrium angustifolium

Project Gutenberg
The Fern Lover's Companion from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.