Lands of the Slave and the Free eBook

Henry Murray
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 679 pages of information about Lands of the Slave and the Free.

Lands of the Slave and the Free eBook

Henry Murray
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 679 pages of information about Lands of the Slave and the Free.
colonies; the tubular bridge at Montreal will be the most stupendous work yet undertaken by engineering skill; canals are making a safe way for commerce, where a year or two back the roaring rapid threw its angry barrier.  Population, especially in Upper Canada, is marching forward with hasty strides; the value of property is fast increasing; loyalty has supplanted discontent and rebellion; an imperial baby has become a princely colony, with as national an existence as any kingdom of the Old World.[AU] These are facts upon which the colonists may, and do, look with feelings of both pride and satisfaction; and none can more justly contemplate them with such emotions, than those through whose administrative talents these prosperous results have been produced, out of a state of chaos, in eight short years.  Dissatisfied men there ever will be among a large community, and therefore questions of independence and annexation will be mooted from time to time; but it seems hardly probable that a colony which enjoys an almost independent nationality would ever be disposed to resign that proud position, and to swamp her individuality among the thirty-three free and slave States of the adjoining Republic.  At all events, the colony, by her conduct with reference to the present war, has shown that she is filled with a spirit of loyalty, devotion, and sympathy as true, as fervent, and as deep as those which animate all the other subjects of our beloved Sovereign.

Farewell, Canada!  May the sun of prosperity, which has been rising upon you steadily for eight years, rise higher and higher, and never know either a cloud or a meridian!  Canada, adieu!


[Footnote AR:  My observations at various schools in the United States satisfied me that no attention is paid by the teachers to the tone of voice in which the boys give their answers.]

[Footnote AS:  The females are regularly taught calisthenics, and the boys gymnastics, by a professor.]

[Footnote AT:  These remarks were made in 1853.  The report for the year 1854 is now lying before me, by which I find that the attendance has increased to 194,376; and the money raised has also increased in a similar ratio, being at that date 199,674l.]

[Footnote AU: 

Population of Canada         1841,   1,156,139 } Increase,
Ditto       ditto          1851,   1,842,265 } 59.34 percent.
Population of Upper Canada   1841,     405,357 } Increase,
Ditto         ditto        1851,     952,004 } 104.57 percent

  The increase of the United States from 1840 to 1850 was only 37.77

Wheat crop, Upper Canada     1841,   3,221,991 bushels. 
Ditto       ditto         1851,  12,692,852  ditto,
Wheat crop, Lower Canada     1841,   1,021,405 bushels. 
Ditto       ditto         1851,   3,326,190  ditto.

This table is taken from an able statement sent by the Governor-General to the Colonial Office, dated Quebec, Dec. 22, 1852.]

Project Gutenberg
Lands of the Slave and the Free from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.