A School History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about A School History of the United States.

A School History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about A School History of the United States.

3.  The population of the country increased from 3,380,000 in 1790 to 7,200,000 in 1810; and the area from about 828,000 to 2,000,000 square miles.

4.  The period 1790-1810 was one of marked industrial progress, and of great commercial and agricultural prosperity.  It was during this time that manufactures arose, that many roads and highways and bridges were built, and that the steamboat was introduced.

5.  A national mint had been established.  The charter of the National Bank had expired, and numbers of state banks had arisen to take its place.  These banks had suspended specie payment, and the government had been forced to charter a new National Bank.


Territorial Changes. 1790-1812.

_ Movement of Population into the West._

Northern Stream.  Checked by Indian war. 
                            Indians quieted by Wayne. 
                            Population again moved westward.

New states. 1791.  Vermont.
                            1792.  Kentucky.
                            1796.  Tennessee.
                            1803.  Ohio.
                            1812.  Louisiana.

New Territories. 1798.  Mississippi.
                            1800.  Indiana.
                            1802.  Mississippi enlarged.
                            1804.  Orleans.
                            1805.  Michigan.
                            1805.  Louisiana (called Missouri
                                    after 1812).
                            1809.  Illinois.

Expansion of Territory. 1795.  Spain accepts 31 deg. as the boundary.
                            1802.  Georgia cedes her western territory.
                            1803.  Louisiana purchased from France.

Industrial Progress
    First carpet mill. 
    First brooms. 
    First United States gold and silver coins. 
    First press in Tennessee. 
    Daily newspapers. 
    Discovery of hard coal. 
    Cotton gin. 
    Manufacture of clocks. 
    Sewing thread. 
    Rise of manufactures. 
        Dependence of United States on Great Britain before 1807. 
        Effect of the embargo. 
        Manner of encouraging manufactures.
Agricultural Progress
    Effect of the French war. 
    State of agriculture in
        New England. 
        New York and Pennsylvania. 
        The South.
Improvements in Transportation
    Demand for roads and canals. 
    The national pike. 
        Early forms. 
        Rapid introduction of.
Financial Condition
    Federal money. 

Project Gutenberg
A School History of the United States from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.