The Slim Princess eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 83 pages of information about The Slim Princess.

The Slim Princess eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 83 pages of information about The Slim Princess.

The subject offers vast possibilities.  It involves the physical attractiveness of every woman in History and permits one to speculate wildly as to what might have happened if Cleopatra had weighed forty pounds heavier, if Elizabeth had been a gaunt and wiry creature, or if Joan of Arc had been so bulky that she could not have fastened on her armor.

The soft layers which enshroud the hard machinery of the human frame seem to arrive in a merely incidental or accidental sort of way.  Yet once they have arrived they exert a mysterious influence over careers.  Because of a mere change in contour, many a queen has lost her throne.  It is a terrifying thought when one remembers that fat so often comes and so seldom goes.

It has been explained that in Morovenia, obesity and feminine beauty increased in the same ratio.  The woman reigning in the hearts of men was the one who could displace the most atmosphere.

Because of the fashionableness of fat, Count Selim Malagaski, Governor-General of Morovenia, was very unhappy.  He had two daughters.  One was fat; one was thin.  To be more explicit, one was gloriously fat and the other was distressingly thin.

Jeneka was the name of the one who had been blessed abundantly.  Several of the younger men in official circles, who had seen Jeneka at a distance, when she waddled to her carriage or turned side-wise to enter a shop-door, had written verses about her in which they compared her to the blushing pomegranate, the ripe melon, the luscious grape, and other vegetable luxuries more or less globular in form.

No one had dedicated any verses to Kalora.  Kalora was the elder of the two.  She had come to the alarming age of nineteen and no one had started in bidding for her.

In court circles, where there is much time for idle gossip, the most intimate secrets of an important household are often bandied about when the black coffee is being served.  The marriageable young men of Morovenia had learned of the calamity in Count Malagaski’s family.  They knew that Kalora weighed less than one hundred and twenty pounds.  She was tall, lithe, slender, sinuous, willowy, hideous.  The fact that poor old Count Malagaski had made many unsuccessful attempts to fatten her was a stock subject for jokes of an unrefined and Turkish character.

Whereas Jeneka would recline for hours at a time on a shaded veranda, munching sugary confections that were loaded with nutritious nuts, Kalora showed a far-western preference for pickles and olives, and had been detected several times in the act of bribing servants to bring this contraband food into the harem.

Worse still, she insisted upon taking exercise.  She loved to play romping games within the high walls of the inclosure where she and the other female attaches of the royal household were kept penned up.  Her father coaxed, pleaded and even threatened, but she refused to lead the indolent life prescribed by custom; she scorned the sweet and heavy foods which would enable her to expand into loveliness; she persistently declined to be fat.

Project Gutenberg
The Slim Princess from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.