MacMillan's Reading Books eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 344 pages of information about MacMillan's Reading Books.

MacMillan's Reading Books eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 344 pages of information about MacMillan's Reading Books.

This singular institution, in which valour, gallantry, and religion, were so strangely blended, was wonderfully adapted to the taste and genius of martial nobles; and its effects were soon visible in their manners.  War was carried on with less ferocity, when humanity came to be deemed the ornament of knighthood no less than courage.  More gentle and polished manners were introduced, when courtesy was recommended as the most amiable of knightly virtues.  Violence and oppression decreased, when it was reckoned meritorious to check and to punish them.  A scrupulous adherence to truth, with the most religious attention to fulfil every engagement, became the distinguishing characteristic of a gentleman, because chivalry was regarded as the school of honour, and inculcated the most delicate sensibility with respect to those points.  The admiration of these qualities, together with the high distinctions and prerogatives conferred on knighthood in every part of Europe, inspired persons of noble birth on some occasions with a species of military fanaticism, and led them to extravagant enterprises.  But they deeply imprinted on their minds the principles of generosity and honour.  These were strengthened by everything that can affect the senses or touch the heart.  The wild exploits of those romantic knights who sallied forth in quest of adventures are well known, and have been treated with proper ridicule.  The political and permanent effects of the spirit of chivalry have been less observed.  Perhaps the humanity which accompanies all the operations of war, the refinements of gallantry, and the point of honour, the three chief circumstances which distinguished modern from ancient manners, may be ascribed in a great measure to this institution, which has appeared whimsical to superficial observers, but by its effects has proved of great benefit to mankind.  The sentiments which chivalry inspired had a wonderful influence on manners and conduct during the twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries.  They were so deeply rooted, that they continued to operate after the vigour and reputation of the institution itself began to decline.  Some considerable transactions recorded in the following history resemble the adventurous exploits of chivalry, rather than the well-regulated operations of sound policy.  Some of the most eminent personages, whose characters will be delineated, were strongly tinctured with this romantic spirit.  Francis I. was ambitious to distinguish himself by all the qualities of an accomplished knight, and endeavoured to imitate the enterprising genius of chivalry in war, as well as its pomp and courtesy during peace.  The fame which the French monarch acquired by these splendid actions, so far dazzled his more temperate rival, that he departed on some occasions from his usual prudence and moderation, and emulated Francis in deeds of prowess or of gallantry.

Project Gutenberg
MacMillan's Reading Books from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.