Deccan Nursery Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 94 pages of information about Deccan Nursery Tales.

Deccan Nursery Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 94 pages of information about Deccan Nursery Tales.
the camp, next the son who had been drowned in the pond, and last of all the son who had died of a snake-bite.  The old woman went away crying with joy, and promising to worship the sun in the way the wood-fairies had instructed the Brahman.  Next day the cavalcade reached the fourth halting-place.  Food was cooked, and the queen first filled the king’s plate and then her own.  After dinner she sent her servants as before to bring in some poor and hungry man from the neighbouring village.  They found a man whose eyes were so crooked that he could hardly see, who had no arms or legs, and who had not even a name.  For he was only known as “Lump of flesh.”  He was lying on his face, but when they brought him into camp, the queen had him placed on his back and had a jug of water poured over him.  Then she took six pearls.  Three she kept herself, and three she placed on the stomach of “Lump of flesh.”  Then she told him the tale of her father and the wood-fairies.  He listened, all attention, and as he listened his arms and legs grew out of his body, and hands and feet appeared at the ends of them.  He too went away delighted, and he promised to worship the sun in the way the wood-fairies had told the Brahman.

At the end of the next day’s march the king and queen reached their home.  Food was cooked, and as they sat down to dinner the sun-god himself appeared and joined them at their meal.  The king had all the doors flung wide open, and ordered a fresh and far more splendid dinner to be prepared, with any number of dishes, each dish having six separate flavours.  When it was served the sun-god and the king began to eat, but in the first mouthful the sun-god found a hair.  He got very very angry, and called out, “To what sinful woman does this hair belong?” Then the poor queen remembered that during her twelve years of poverty she had always sat under the eaves combing her hair, and knew that it must have been one of her hairs which had got into the sun-god’s food.  She begged for mercy, but the sun-god would not forgive her until she had clothed herself in a black blanket, plucked a stick out of the eaves, and had gone outside the town and there thrown the stick and the hair over her left shoulder.  Then the sun-god recovered his good-humour, and finished his dinner.  And the Brahman, the king and queen, and the wood-cutter and the farmer whose well had dried up, and the old woman who had lost her children, and “Lump of flesh” with the cross eyes, they all remained in the favour of the sun-god and lived happily ever afterwards.


The Monday Story

Project Gutenberg
Deccan Nursery Tales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.