Deccan Nursery Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 94 pages of information about Deccan Nursery Tales.

Deccan Nursery Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 94 pages of information about Deccan Nursery Tales.
last day of Shravan, how it had died in the middle of the Shradh feast, and how at last her father-in-law had put the child in her lap and had driven her from home and into the forest.  The hobgoblin’s wife repeated, “If you value your life at all, go away.”  The Brahman woman began to cry, until at last the hobgoblin’s wife had pity on her and said, “Do not be afraid; walk a little way until you come to an altar to the god Shiva, Close by is a bel [24] tree; climb into it and hide among the branches.  To-night the serpent-maidens from Patala and the wood-nymphs, together with a train of seven demon Asuras, [25] will come and worship at the altar.  After making their offerings to the god, they will call out, ’Is there any uninvited guest present to whom we can make a gift?’ You must then call out in reply, ’Yes, I am here.’  They will see you and question you, and you must tell them all your story.”  The poor Brahman woman agreed.  She walked on until she came to the god Shiva’s altar.  She climbed into the branches of the bel tree.  She remained there until midnight came.  Suddenly the serpent-maidens from Patala and the wood-nymphs, accompanied by a train of seven demon Asuras, came and worshipped at the altar.  After making offerings to the god they called out, “Is there any uninvited guest present to whom we can make a gift?” The Brahman woman at once climbed down the bel tree and called out in answer, “Yes, I am here,” The serpent-maidens from Patala and the wood-nymphs, greatly surprised, asked her who she was, and she told them all her story.  Then the serpent-maidens of Patala and the wood-nymphs ordered their train of demon Asuras to go and search for the seven sons of the Brahman woman.  The seven demon Asuras spurred their horses and rode off in all directions.  In a little time the giant captain of the demon guards rode up carrying in his arms the body of a little boy of six.  Then another rode up carrying the body of a little boy of five.  And four others rode up carrying a little boy of four, a little boy of three, a little boy of two, and a little boy only one year old.  Last of all the seventh demon Asura rode up with a newly-born baby boy.  The demons placed the bodies in front of the serpent-maidens from Patala and of the wood-nymphs.  And first of all the little boy of six came to life and got up and ran to his mother.  Next the little boy of five, and then the little boy of four, and then the little boy of three came to life and ran to their mother.  Then the little boy of two came to life and got up, but he could only walk to his mother.  Next the little one-year-old boy came to life, but he could not get up, so he lay on his back and kicked up his legs.  And last of all the newly-born baby came to life, but he could not even kick up his legs.  And they were all delighted to see their mother, and she was overjoyed to have all her sons again.  But the serpent-maidens from Patala and the wood-nymphs warned her that she must pray to the sixty-four Yoginis,
Project Gutenberg
Deccan Nursery Tales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.