Reform Cookery Book (4th edition) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 171 pages of information about Reform Cookery Book (4th edition).

Reform Cookery Book (4th edition) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 171 pages of information about Reform Cookery Book (4th edition).


are, of course, invaluable in many ways besides the more familiar boiled, poached, and scrambled.

Buttered Eggs.

Break number of eggs required in a bowl, melt a nut of butter to each egg in saucepan, pour in the eggs, seasoning, &c., and stir one way over gentle heat till set.  About 2 minutes should do.  Serve on toast or bread cutlets.

Tomato Eggs.

Have a quantity of tomato pulp made hot in frying pan, and slip in as many eggs as required, gently, so as not to scatter.  Allow to poach for about 3 minutes or till the whites are just set.  Serve on toast or shredded wheat biscuits.  Another way is to cook the tomatoes, and put, with the eggs, on a flat dish, in the oven till set.  Serve on same dish, garnished with sippets of toast or toasted triscuits.

Egg Cutlets (Mrs G. D.)

There are many different recipes for these, but the following is an especially good one, for which I am indebted to an Edinburgh friend.  Chop very small two firmly boiled eggs, and 2 tablespoonfuls bread crumbs and the same of grated cheese with a pinch of curry powder, pepper, and grated nutmeg.  Mix with the yolk of a raw egg.  Shape into cutlets, brush over with the white of the egg beaten up a little, toss in fine crumbs, and fry a nice brown.  Garnish with fried parsley.

Inverness Eggs.

Boil hard the number of eggs required, remove the shells, and rub each with a little flour.  Take a quantity of any of the varieties of sausage meat, for which recipes are given, or a forcemeat, or quenelle mixture will do, add some finely minced parsley, any other seasoning required, and a beaten egg to bind.  Mix thoroughly, flour the hands and coat each egg with the mixture, rather less than 1/4 inch thick, and evenly, so that the shape is retained, flour lightly and fry a nice brown.  Cut in halves, and serve, round ends up, with tomato sauce.


of various kinds come in nicely for breakfast.  They can be of ordinary toast, fried bread, or shredded wheat biscuits.  The latter are particularly dainty, and may be prepared thus:—­Put in buttered baking tin, with plenty of butter on top of each, and place in brisk oven till crisp and brown—­about 10 minutes.  Pile high with following mixture:—­In an enamel frying pan put a teaspoonful butter, and two tablespoonfuls diluted extract or ketchup and water for each egg.  When nearly boiling, break in the eggs and stir gently round over a very moderate heat till just set.  Season to taste.  A little of the sauce made hot might be first poured over the toast or biscuits.

Bread Cutlets.

Have a number of neat pieces of bread about 1/2 inch thick.  Dip in milk, gravy, tomato juice, &c., and drain.  Do not soak.  Brush over with egg or dip in batter, and fry.  Serve as they are or with some savoury mince, tomatoes, &c.

Project Gutenberg
Reform Cookery Book (4th edition) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.