Reform Cookery Book (4th edition) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 171 pages of information about Reform Cookery Book (4th edition).

Reform Cookery Book (4th edition) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 171 pages of information about Reform Cookery Book (4th edition).

The same ingredients may be put in a buttered mould and steamed, or the whole may be mixed together, a beaten egg added, then made into one large or a number of small rolls, place in baking tin, put some butter on the top and bake, basting and turning now and then.

Prepared Nut Meats.

Of late years since the food value of nuts has been recognised, the attention of specialists has been turned in their direction with very practical results.  Quite a number of excellent “Nut Meats” are now upon the market, and each year adds to their variety, so that one’s storeroom can be supplied in a way that was impossible only a few years ago.  For a cold luncheon dish Mapleton’s Fibrose, Almond Nut Meat, and

Savoury Nut Meat

Are very good.  The latter is put up in air-tight glass dishes.  Tomatoes or any vegetable may be served with it.  Then Meatose, Nut-Meatose, Vejola, Nutvego, &c., are all excellent.  The

“F.R.”  Meatose

Is specially fine.  These “Meats” are all ready for use, and may be made up in any of the ordinary recipes for Stews, Pies, Sausage Rolls, &c.  One dish which most people would like is

Curried Nut Meat.

Melt 1 oz. butter in stewpan, and into that put a tablespoonful finely shred or grated onion, a few slices of tart apple or a little rhubarb, and, if possible, some tomatoes—­fresh ones peeled and sliced are best, but the tinned ones will do very well.  Stir in a dessert-spoonful flour and curry powder to taste, and pour on boiling water, stock, or gravy as required.  Slice the nut meat and lay it in.  Cover, and cook gently for about half an hour.  Serve with plain boiled rice.

I have not space to give further recipes, but would just add a word of caution—­use very sparingly.  They are highly concentrated and nutritious foods, and a large quantity is not only unnecessary, but harmful.

In addition to above, there are the products of the International Health Association, “the pioneer manufacturers of health foods,” who have within the past year removed their works into the country (Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts).  Then Messrs Winter, Birmingham, “Pitman,” Birmingham, and Messrs Chapman, Liverpool, have a number of excellent nut meats, fuller reference and recipes for which will be found in the chapter on “Health Food Specialties” at end of book.


Many excellent cheese dishes, such as macaroni cheese, &c., are to be found in the category of every household, so it will be needless to detail those which are most generally known.  Cheese is highly nutritious, and not indigestible for those in ordinary health, if taken in moderation and combined with other lighter and bulkier foods.  Cheese with rice, bread crumbs, macaroni, tomatoes, &c., is exceedingly good.  It should be used very sparingly, or not at all, in dishes which contain pulse, nuts, or eggs.  It should always be grated so that it can be mixed thoroughly with the other ingredients.

Project Gutenberg
Reform Cookery Book (4th edition) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.