The Ghost Ship eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 190 pages of information about The Ghost Ship.

The Ghost Ship eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 190 pages of information about The Ghost Ship.

We went to the door, and the wind burst it open so that the handle was driven clean into the plaster of the wall.  But we didn’t think about that at the time; for over our heads, sailing very comfortably through the windy stars, was the ship that had passed the summer in landlord’s field.  Her portholes and her bay-window were blazing with lights, and there was a noise of singing and fiddling on her decks.  “He’s gone,” shouted landlord above the storm, “and he’s taken half the village with him!” I could only nod in answer, not having lungs like bellows of leather.

In the morning we were able to measure the strength of the storm, and over and above my pigsty there was damage enough wrought in the village to keep us busy.  True it is that the children had to break down no branches for the firing that autumn, since the wind had strewn the woods with more than they could carry away.  Many of our ghosts were scattered abroad, but this time very few came back, all the young men having sailed with Captain; and not only ghosts, for a poor half-witted lad was missing, and we reckoned that he had stowed himself away or perhaps shipped as cabin-boy, not knowing any better.

What with the lamentations of the ghost-girls and the grumbling of families who had lost an ancestor, the village was upset for a while, and the funny thing was that it was the folk who had complained most of the carryings-on of the youngsters, who made most noise now that they were gone.  I hadn’t any sympathy with shoemaker or butcher, who ran about saying how much they missed their lads, but it made me grieve to hear the poor bereaved girls calling their lovers by name on the village green at nightfall.  It didn’t seem fair to me that they should have lost their men a second time, after giving up life in order to join them, as like as not.  Still, not even a spirit can be sorry for ever, and after a few months we made up our mind that the folk who had sailed in the ship were never coming back, and we didn’t talk about it any more.

And then one day, I dare say it would be a couple of years after, when the whole business was quite forgotten, who should come trapesing along the road from Portsmouth but the daft lad who had gone away with the ship, without waiting till he was dead to become a ghost.  You never saw such a boy as that in all your life.  He had a great rusty cutlass hanging to a string at his waist, and he was tattooed all over in fine colours, so that even his face looked like a girl’s sampler.  He had a handkerchief in his hand full of foreign shells and old-fashioned pieces of small money, very curious, and he walked up to the well outside his mother’s house and drew himself a drink as if he had been nowhere in particular.

Project Gutenberg
The Ghost Ship from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.