The Infant System eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 434 pages of information about The Infant System.

The Infant System eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 434 pages of information about The Infant System.


Q. What is this?  A. It is letter C, the first letter in cow, c-o-w, and cat, &c.  Q. What is the use of the cow?  A. The cow gives us milk to put into the tea.  Q. Is milk used for any other purpose besides putting it into tea?  A. Yes; it is used to put into puddings, and for many other things.  Q. Name some of the other things?  A. It is used to make butter and cheese.  Q. What part of it is made into butter?  A. The cream which swims at the top of the milk.  Q. How is it made into butter?  A. It is put into a thing called a churn, in the shape of a barrel.  Q. What is done next?  A. The churn is turned round by means of a handle, and the motion turns the cream into butter.  Q. What is the use of butter?  A. To put on bread, and to put into pie-crust, and many other nice things.  Q. Of what colour is butter?  A. It is generally yellow.  A. Are there any other things made of milk?  A. Yes, many things; but the principal one is cheese.  Q. How is cheese made?  A. The milk is turned into curds and whey, which is done by putting a liquid into it called rennet.  Q. What part of the curd and whey is made into cheese?  A. The curd, which is put into a press; and when it has been in the press a few days it becomes cheese.  Q. Is the flesh of the cow useful?  A. Yes; it is eaten, and is called beef; and the flesh of the young calf is called veal.  Q. Is the skin of the cow or calf of any use?  A. Yes; the skin of the cow or calf of any use?  A. Yes; the skin of the cow is manufactured into leather for the soles of shoes.  Q. What is made with the calf skin?  A. The top of the shoe, which is called the upper-leather.  Q. Are there any other parts of the cow that are useful?  A. Yes; the horns, which are made into combs, handles of knives, forks, and other things.  Q. What is made of the hoofs that come off the cow’s feet?  A. Glue, to join boards together.  Q. Who made the cow?  A. Almighty God.


Q. What is this?  A. Letter D, the first letter it dog, dove, draper, &c.  Q. What is the use of the dog, A. To guard the house and keep thieves away.  Q. How can a dog guard the house and keep thieves away?  A. By barking to wake the persons who live in the house.  Q. Is the dog of any other use?  A. Yes; to draw under a truck.  D. Does he do as his master bids him?  A. Yes; and knows his master from any other person.  Q. Is the dog a faithful animal?  A. Yes, very faithful; he has been known to die of grief for the loss of his master.  Q. Can you mention an instance of the dog’s faithfulness?  A. Yes; a dog waited at the gates of the Fleet prison for hours every day for nearly two years, because his master was confined in the prison.  Q. Can you mention another instance of the dog’s faithfulness?  A. Yes; a dog lay down on his master’s grave in a churchyard in London for many weeks.  Q. How did the dog get food?  A. The people who lived near noticed him, and brought him victuals.  Q. Did the people do

Project Gutenberg
The Infant System from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.