Lady John Russell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 463 pages of information about Lady John Russell.

Lady John Russell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 463 pages of information about Lady John Russell.

    ADMIRALTY, June 26, 1841

    Day of nomination in the City.  He says the show of hands was
    greatly in his favour....  Mama says he looked so calm, in the midst
    of the uproar.

    “True dignity is his, his tranquil mind Virtue has raised
    above the things below!”

And whether storms may await us in our journey together, even to the wreck of all earthly hopes, I know that he will rise superior to them—­and oh! to think that I may be by his side to support him in adversity as well as to share in his prosperity and glorious fate, for which God enable me to be rightly grateful.

The family moved to Minto before the result was declared; from London Lord John wrote the following letters: 

    Lord John Russell to Lady Mary Abercromby

    WILTON CRESCENT, June 25, 1841

Your letters have filled us all with joy and completed what was wanting.  I feel very grateful to you for the kindness with which you express yourself....  The happiness of possessing her has blinded me, I dare say, to her real interest; but when I find that you all approve and feel conscious that I shall do all in my power to make her life happy, I gain some confidence.  Among many anxieties, Lady Minto naturally felt that the charge of so many children would be a very serious burthen to her, but the children themselves are so good, so much disposed to love her, and their health is at present so good, that I trust they will be to her as they are to me, a daily comfort, making the house cheerful with their merry and affectionate voices.  The greatest fear perhaps is, that her generosity and devotion to others may make her undertake what is beyond her strength.

    Lord John Russell to Lady Fanny Elliot

    DOWNING STREET, July 3, 1841

If I am sorry that Saturday is come, I am much more glad that Tuesday is so near.  I am not at all anxious for a merry party at Minto—­the quieter the better for me.  But I can understand that Lady Minto would like some gaiety to divert her spirits, when “Our dear Fanny” is gone.  I cannot say how much I think on the prospect of finding you at Minto—­and of Bowhill likewise.  I hope I am not unworthy of the heart you gave me ... and I trust every day will prove how grateful I am to you.

    WILTON CRESCENT, July 4, 1841

I got your little note yesterday, after I had sealed my letter....  My dearest Fanny, I am so happy at the thought of being soon at Minto.  If you believe that I feel the strongest devotion to you, and am resolved to do all in my power to make you happy, you believe what is true....  This will reach you soon after your arrival.  I can imagine how busy you will be ... and long to join you.

A few days later he reached Minto himself.  Lady Fanny, writing to her sister Mary, describes their days together, and adds:  “They are all except Gibby so much too respectful to Lord John.  Not to me, for they take their revenge upon me, and I am unsparingly laughed at, which is a great comfort.  I shall write once before it happens.  I dare not think what I shall be when you receive this.”

Project Gutenberg
Lady John Russell from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.