Crescent and Iron Cross eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 171 pages of information about Crescent and Iron Cross.

Crescent and Iron Cross eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 171 pages of information about Crescent and Iron Cross.

The Turkey of the future is to be for the Turks; not for the persecuted Armenians, nor for the Arabs, nor for the Greeks, and assuredly it is not to be for the Prussians.  While the war lasts, Germany may draw supplies from the fields her artificial manures have enriched, and from the acres that her paper money has planted, but after that no more.  Her Ottomanising work will be over.  Such development (and it is far from negligible) as she has done in Syria will be continued under French protection for the Arabs, such as she has done in Mesopotamia under English protection, and such as she has done in Anatolia will be continued by the Turks to drag them out of the utter insolvency that she has brought them to.  Never before has a country so justly and so richly deserved the repudiation of a debt incurred by the confidence trick.  Not a civilised Government in the world would dream of enforcing payment, any more than a magistrate would enforce a payment to some thimble-rigger returning from a race-meeting.

The roar of battle still renders inaudible all voices save its own, but already the dusk begins to gather over the halls where sit the War-lord and those who, for the realisation of their monstrous dreams, loosed hell upon the world, and in the growing dusk there begin to steal upon the wall the letters of pale flame that to them portend the doom, and to us give promise of dawn.  Faintly they can see the legend Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin....


Project Gutenberg
Crescent and Iron Cross from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.