The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb — Volume 6 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 705 pages of information about The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb — Volume 6.

The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb — Volume 6 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 705 pages of information about The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb — Volume 6.

      Barton, Bernard. See Letters.
        first mention
        his suggested retirement from the bank
        his testimonial
        Lamb on his poems
        Poetic Vigils
        “Sonnet to Elia”
        Poems, 4th edition
        his Devotional Verses
        his Widow’s Tale
        extracts from his poems
        Lamb sends him a picture
        his step-grandfather
        his New Year’s Eve
        sonnet to Lamb
        his “Spiritual Law”
        his “Translation of Enoch”
        Lucy, verses to
        note to
        at Islington

      Baskerville, John

      Battle, Mrs.

      Beaumont and Fletcher

      Beaumont, Sir George

      Bellows Shakespeare

      “Belshazzar’s Feast”

      Benger, Miss


      Betham, Anne, her legacy

        Barbara. See Letters.

        Mary Matilda. See Letters.

      Bethams, the, their tallness

      Betty, Master

      Bijou, The

      Binding, the perfect

      “Bites,” Lamb’s

      Blake, William


      Blanchard, Laman

      Bland, Mrs.

      Blank Verse, by Lamb and Lloyd

      Blenheim, its pictures

      Bloomfield, his Farmer’s Boy

      Bloxam, Samuel

      Blue-stockings, Lamb among

      Bodleian Library

      Book-binder, Lamb’s poor relation

      Book-borrowing, Lamb on

      “Borderers, The,” by Wordsworth

      Bourne, Vincent

      Bowles, William Lisle
        his allegory, “Hope”
        his “Elegiac Stanzas”

      Boyer, James

      Braham, John

      Brawn, Lamb on

      Brighton, the Lambs at

      British Museum, Lamb at

      Brown, Miss, her album verses

      Brutons, the Lambs’ cousins

      Buchan, the Earl of

      Buncle, John

      Bungay, Lamb on


      Burke and Hare

      Burke, Edmund

      Burnet, Bishop, his Own Times

      Burnett, George
        and Dyer

      Burney, Captain



      Burns, Robert

      Burrell, Miss

      Burton, Lamb’s imitations of

      Butterworth, Major

      Button, Emma, Lamb’s acrostic

      Button Snap, Lamb’s cottage

      Bye, Thomas

      Byron, Lord


      Cabinet, The

Project Gutenberg
The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb — Volume 6 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.