The Mental Life of Monkeys and Apes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 160 pages of information about The Mental Life of Monkeys and Apes.

The Mental Life of Monkeys and Apes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 160 pages of information about The Mental Life of Monkeys and Apes.

COBURN, C.A. and YERKES, R.M.  A study of the behavior of the crow,
  1915. Corvus Americanus Aud. by the multiple-choice method.
          Journal of Animal Behavior, vol. 5, 75-114.

CUVIER, FREDERIC.  Description d’un orang-outang, et observations sur
  1810. ses facultees intellectuelles. Annales du Museum d’Histoire
, vol. 16, 46-65.

DARWIN, C. Origin of species.

  1871.  The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex.

ELLIOT, D.G.  A review of the primates.  New York.

FRANZ, S.I.  On the functions of the cerebrum:  the frontal lobes.
  1907. Archives of Psychology, no. 2, 1-64.

  1911.  On the functions of the cerebrum:  the occipital lobes.
          Psychological Monographs, vol. 13, 1-118.

  1913.  Observations on the preferential use of the right and left
          hands by monkeys.  Journal of Animal Behavior, 3, 140-144.

GARNER, R.L.  The speech of monkeys.  London.

  1896.  Gorillas and chimpanzees.  London.

  1900.  Apes and monkeys; their life and language.  Boston and London.

HAGGERTY, M.E.  Imitation in monkeys. Journal of Comparative Neurology
  1909. and Psychology, vol. 19, 337-455.

HAMILTON, G.V.  A study of trial and error reactions in mammals.
  1911. Journal of Animal Behavior, vol. 1, 33-66.

  1914.  A study of sexual tendencies in monkeys and baboons. Journal
          of Animal Behavior, vol. 4, 295-318.

HIRSCHLAFF, L. Der Schimpanzee Konsul. Zeit. f. paed.  Psy., vol. 7, 1.

HOBHOUSE, L.T.  Mind in evolution.  London.

HOLMES, S.J.  Evolution of intelligence.  New York.

HRDLICKA, A. Anatomical observations on a collection of orang skulls
  1907. from western Borneo; with a bibliography. Proceedings of
          the United States National Museum
, vol. 31, 539-568.

KINNAMAN, A.J.  Mental life of two Macacus rhesus monkeys in captivity.
  1902. American Journal of Psychology, vol. 13, 98-148, 173-218.

LASHLEY, K.S. and WATSON, J.B.  Notes on the development of a young
  1913. monkey. Journal of Animal Behavior, vol. 3, 114-139.

MOeBIUS, K. Zur psychologie des Schimpanse. Zool.  Garten., vol. 8,
  1867. 279-280.

MONTANE, L. Un chimpance Cubano.  Havana, El Siglo XX.

MORGAN, C.L.  Introduction to comparative psychology.  London.

PFUNGST, O. Zur Psychologie der Affen. Ber. ueber d.  V. Kongress f.
  1912. exp.  Psychol., 200-205.

ROMANES, G.J.  Mental evolution in animals.  New York.

ROTHMANN, M. Ueber die errichtung einer Station zur psychologischen
  1912. und hirn[?] physiologischen Erforschung der Menschenaffen.
          Berliner klinische Wochenschr., Nr. 42.

Project Gutenberg
The Mental Life of Monkeys and Apes from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.