Studies in Civics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 401 pages of information about Studies in Civics.

Studies in Civics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 401 pages of information about Studies in Civics.

October 15,1887.—­Received the above judgment and costs in full.

J.T., Plaintiff.


“You do solemnly swear that you will well and truly try the matters in difference between the parties in this cause, and a true verdict give, according to the evidence given you in court and the laws of this state.  So help you God.”


“You do solemnly swear that the evidence you shall give relative to the cause now under consideration shall be the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.  So help you God.”


“You do solemnly swear that you will keep this jury together in some suitable place, without food or drink, unless ordered by the court; that you will suffer no person to speak to them upon the matters submitted to their charge until they are agreed, nor will you speak to them yourself about the cause, except to ask them whether they are agreed; that you will permit no person to listen to, or overhear, any conversation or discussion they may have while deliberating on their verdict; that you will not disclose their verdict nor any conversation they may have respecting the cause, until they have delivered their verdict in court, or been discharged by order of the court.  So help you God.”


State of __________,}
County of _________}ss.
The state of _________ to the sheriff or any constable of said county: 

Whereas, judgment against A.M. for the sum of (eighty-six) dollars, lawful money of the United States, and for (twelve) dollars and (fifty) cents, costs of suit, was recovered the _____ day of _________, 18_____, before me, at the suit of J.T.; these are therefore to command you to levy distress on the goods and chattels of the said A.M. (excepting as the law exempts), and make sale thereof according to law, in such case made and provided, to the amount of the said sum, together with twenty-five cents for this execution, and the same return to me within thirty days, to be rendered to the said J.T. for his said judgment and costs.  Hereof fail not, under penalty of the law.

W.D.D., Justice of the Peace



COUNTY OF.........................................

J.T., plaintiff


A.M., defendant


Collect Judgment........$86 00
Costs................... 12 00
$98 50

Interest thereon at seven per cent, from Sept. 17, 1887, and your fees.

W.D.D., Justice of the Peace

Received the within execution Sept. 29, 1887.

G.W., Constable.

Project Gutenberg
Studies in Civics from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.