Plays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 309 pages of information about Plays.

Plays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 309 pages of information about Plays.

LIPOCHKA.  I suppose you’ll ring in the police, presently!  You’d do better to keep still, since you weren’t properly brought up.  I’m absolutely vile; but what are you, after all?  Do you want to send me to the other world before my time?  Do you want to kill me with your caprices? [She weeps] Already I’m about coughing my lungs out! [Weeps.

AGRAFENA KONDRATYEVNA. [Stands and looks at her] Well, stop, stop!

LIPOCHKA weeps louder and then sobs.

AGRAFENA KONDRATYEVNA.  I tell you, that’ll do!  I’m talking to you; stop it! 
Well, it’s my fault; only do stop—­it’s my fault!


AGRAFENA KONDRATYEVNA.  Lipochka!  Lipa!  Come, come, do stop! [Tearfully] Now, don’t get angry at me—­[She weeps] A silly old woman—­ignorant—­[They weep together] Please forgive me—­I’ll buy you some earrings.

LIPOCHKA. [Weeping] I don’t want your old earrings; I have a drawer full already.  You buy me some bracelets with emeralds.

AGRAFENA KONDRATYEVNA.  I will, I will, only please stop crying!

LIPOCHKA. [Through her tears] I won’t stop crying till I get married. [She weeps.

AGRAFENA KONDRATYEVNA.  You’ll get married, my darling; you will!  Now, give me a kiss! [They kiss] There, Christ be with you!  Now let me wipe away the tears for you. [She wipes the tears] Ustinya Naumovna wanted to come to-day; we’re going to talk a bit.

LIPOCHKA. [In a voice still rather trembly] Oh, dear, I wish she’d hurry up!


The same and FOMINISHNA

FOMINISHNA.  Just guess, my dear Agrafena Kondratyevna, who’s come to call on us!

AGRAFENA KONDRATYEVNA.  I can’t say.  Do you think I’m a witch at guessing, Fominishna?

LIPOCHKA.  Why don’t you ask me?  Am I stupider than you or mamma?

FOMINISHNA.  The fact is, I don’t know how to tell you.  You’re pretty strong on talk; but when it comes to action you aren’t there!  I asked you, and asked you, to give me just a handkerchief—­nothing expensive:  two heaps of stuff are lying around on your closet floor now without any care; but it didn’t do any good; it’s always give it to strangers, give it to strangers!

AGRAFENA KONDRATYEVNA.  There, now, Fominishna, I’ll never make this out till doomsday.

LIPOCHKA.  Let her go; she had a drink of beer after breakfast, and so she’s getting fuzzy in her head.

FOMINISHNA.  That’s all right; what are you laughing at?  How’s it coming out, Agrafena Kondratyevna?  Sometimes the beginning is worse than the end.

AGRAFENA KONDRATYEVNA.  One can never find out anything from you!  As soon as you begin to talk, we have to stop up our ears!  Now, who was it who came here?

LIPOCHKA.  A man or a woman?

Project Gutenberg
Plays from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.