Sea-Power and Other Studies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 277 pages of information about Sea-Power and Other Studies.

Sea-Power and Other Studies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 277 pages of information about Sea-Power and Other Studies.

St. Vincent, Lord
Salamis, battle of
Salute, the claim to a
Saracen Navy
Schill, Colonel
Sea, International law and the
Sea Power, history and meaning of the term; defined; influence
  on history of naval campaigns; of the Phoenicians; of Greece
  and Persia; of Rome and Carthage; in the Middle Ages; of the
  Saracens; and the Crusades; of Venice, Pisa and Genoa; of the
  Turks; in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; of Portugal
  and Spain; rise in England of; and exploration and adventure;
  and military co-operation; of the Dutch; and naval strategy;
  in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries; examples of
  its efficiency; in recent times; in Crimean War; in American
  War of Secession; in Russo-Turkish war; in Chino-Japanese War;
  in Spanish-American War
Sebastopol, siege of
Seeley, Sir J. R.
Seymour, Lord Henry
Ships for the navy, question of size of; for supply
Sismondi, quoted
Sluys, battle of
Smith, Sir Sydney
Spanish Armada, defeat of the; Records of; Queen Elizabeth and the
——­ American War
Spanish Indies
——­ Navy
Spartan Army
Stirling, Sir James
Stores, reserve of ship’s
Strategy (seeunder_ Naval Strategy)
Stuart, General J. E. B.
Suffren, Admiral
Supply and communications of a fleet
Supply ships, sizes of
Syracuse, battle of

Tactics (seeunder_ Naval Tactics)
Tate, Colonel
Themistocles; and the Greek Navy
Thucydides, quoted
Times, quoted
Torpedo boats, defence against
Torrington, Earl of
Tourville, Admiral
Trafalgar, battle of; tactics of; British losses at; the attack;
  contemporary strategy and tactics
Training (seeunder_ Peace Training)
Turkish Navy

United States Navy

Venetian Navy
Victualling allowances; and modern preserved foods

Walcheren Expedition, mortality in Wales, French invasion of

War, and its chief lessons; human element in; the unexpected
  in; under modern conditions; how to avoid surprise in;
  mortality from disease in; methods of making; command of the
  sea in; compensation for losses in; Napoleon on loss of life
  in; supplies in (seealso_under_ Invasion, Naval Warfare,
  and Raids)
Washington, George
Water, ship’s allowance of
Waterloo, battle of
Wellington, Duke of
William III, King
Wilmot, Sir S. Eardley

Xerxes; his highly trained Army


Project Gutenberg
Sea-Power and Other Studies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.