The Reign of Greed eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 419 pages of information about The Reign of Greed.
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The Reign of Greed eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 419 pages of information about The Reign of Greed.

He thought for a while about his friend, a great and generous soul, and mentally asked himself if it would not be well to tell him about the plan, then answered himself that Isagani would never take part in such a butchery.  They had not treated Isagani as they had him.

Then he thought that had there been no imprisonment, he would have been betrothed, or a husband, at this time, a licentiate in medicine, living and working in some corner of his province.  The ghost of Juli, crushed in her fall, crossed his mind, and dark flames of hatred lighted his eyes; again he caressed the butt of the revolver, regretting that the terrible hour had not yet come.  Just then he saw Simoun come out of the door of his house, carrying in his hands the case containing the lamp, carefully wrapped up, and enter a carriage, which then followed those bearing the bridal party.  In order not to lose track of Simoun, Basilio took a good look at the cochero and with astonishment recognized in him the wretch who had driven him to San Diego, Sinong, the fellow maltreated by the Civil Guard, the same who had come to the prison to tell him about the occurrences in Tiani.

Conjecturing that Calle Anloague was to be the scene of action, thither the youth directed his steps, hurrying forward and getting ahead of the carriages, which were, in fact, all moving toward the former house of Capitan Tiago—­there they were assembling in search of a ball, but actually to dance in the air!  Basilio smiled when he noticed the pairs of civil-guards who formed the escort, and from their number he could guess the importance of the fiesta and the guests.  The house overflowed with people and poured floods of light from its windows, the entrance was carpeted and strewn with flowers.  Upstairs there, perhaps in his former solitary room, an orchestra was playing lively airs, which did not completely drown the confused tumult of talk and laughter.

Don Timoteo Pelaez was reaching the pinnacle of fortune, and the reality surpassed his dreams.  He was, at last, marrying his son to the rich Gomez heiress, and, thanks to the money Simoun had lent him, he had royally furnished that big house, purchased for half its value, and was giving in it a splendid fiesta, with the foremost divinities of the Manila Olympus for his guests, to gild him with the light of their prestige.  Since that morning there had been recurring to him, with the persistence of a popular song, some vague phrases that he had read in the communion service.  “Now has the fortunate hour come!  Now draws nigh the happy moment!  Soon there will be fulfilled in you the admirable words of Simoun—­’I live, and yet not I alone, but the Captain-General liveth in me.’” The Captain-General the patron of his son!  True, he had not attended the ceremony, where Don Custodio had represented him, but he would come to dine, he would bring a wedding-gift, a lamp which not even Aladdin’s—­between you and me, Simoun was presenting the lamp.  Timoteo, what more could you desire?

Project Gutenberg
The Reign of Greed from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.