The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 09 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 478 pages of information about The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 09.

The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 09 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 478 pages of information about The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 09.
ben note trees, that beren notes, als grete as a mannes hed.  There also ben many bestes, that ben clept orafles. [Footnote:  Giraffes.] In Arabye, thei ben clept gerfauntz; that is a best pomelee or apotted; that is but a litylle more highe, than is a stede; but he hathe the necke a 20 cubytes long:  and his croup and his tayl is as of an hert:  and he may loken over a gret highe Hous.  And there ben also in that contree manye camles, that is a lytille best as a goot, that is wylde and he lyvethe be the eyr, and etethe nought ne drynkethe nought at no tyme.  And he chaungethe his colour often tyme:  for men seen him often scithes, now in o colour and now in another colour:  and he may chaunge him in to alle maner of coloures that him list, saf only in to red and white.  There ben also in that contree passynge grete serpentes, sume of 120 Fote long, and thei ben of dyverse coloures, as rayed, rede, grene and zalowe, blewe and blake, and alle spekelede.  And there ben othere, that han crestes upon hire hedes:  and thei gon upon hire feet upright:  and thei ben wel a 4 fadme gret or more:  and thei duellen alle weye in roches or in mountaynes:  and thei han alle wey the throte open, of whens thei droppen venym alle weys.  And there ben also wylde swyn of many coloures, als gret as ben oxen in oure contree, and thei ben alle spotted, as ben zonge fownes.  And there ben also urchounes, als gret as wylde swyn here.  Wee clepen hem poriz de spyne.  And ther ben lyouns alle whyte gret and myghty.  And ther ben also of other bestes, als grete and more gretter than is a destrere:  and men clepen hem loerancz:  and sum men clepen hem odenthos:  and thei han a blak hed and 3 longe hornes trenchant in the front, scharpe as a sword; and the body is sclender.  And he is a fulle felonous best:  and he chacethe and sleethe the olifaunt.  There ben also manye other bestes, fullye wykked and cruelle, that ben not mocheles more than a bere; and thei han the hed lyche a bore; and thei han 6 feet:  and on every foote 2 large clawes trenchant:  and the body is lyche a bere, and the tayl as a lyoun.  And there ben also myse, als gret as houndes; and zalowe myse, als grete as ravenes.  And ther ben gees alle rede, thre sithes more gret than oure here:  and thei han the hed, the necke and the brest alle black.  And many other dyverse bestes ben in tho contrees, and elle where there abouten:  and manye dyverse briddes also; of the whiche, it were to longe for to telle zou:  and therefore I passe over at this tyme.

CAPVT. 47.

De Bracmannorum et aliorum Insulis.

Bracmannorum Insula quasi ad medium Imperij consistit Praesbyteri Ioannis.  Hic licet Christiani non sunt, viuunt tamen naturali optimo more.  Rudes enim et incomparati, simplices, et inscij omnis artis apparent.  Non cupidi, superbi, inuidi, iracundi, gulosi, aut luxuriosi nec iurant, fraudant, aut mentiuntur.  Laborant corpora, sed intendunt animo implere quo ad valent naturale mandatum, hoc facias alijs quod tibi vis fieri:  credentes et adorantes omnium creatorum Deum, et sperantes ab ipso simpliciter Paradisum.

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The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 09 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.