The War and Democracy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 414 pages of information about The War and Democracy.

The War and Democracy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 414 pages of information about The War and Democracy.


MAURICE BARING. The Mainsprings of Russia. 1914.  Nelson. 2s. net.

This is an excellent introduction to the subject, recording as it does the general impressions of an acute and sympathetic observer; it does not, of course, pretend to be comprehensive, and says nothing, for example, of the Jews, Poles, Finns, etc.

BERNARD PARES. Russia and Reform. 1907. 10s. 6d. net.

MILYOUKOV. Russia and its Crisis. 1905. 13s. 6d. net.

MAURICE BARING. The Russian People. 1911. 15s. net.

These three books may be consulted for the Revolution of 1905 and the events which led up to it.  Professor Milyoukov’s book was actually published before the Revolution, but its author was leader of the Cadet party in the First Duma, and it is therefore something in the nature of a liberal manifesto.  Professor Pares’ book, which is perhaps the most penetrating and well-balanced of all and contains most valuable chapters on the Intelligentsia, does not, unfortunately, deal with the years of reaction which followed the dissolution of the First Duma.  Mr. Baring’s book may be recommended especially for the later chapters which deal with the causes of the failure of the Revolution.  All three contain a good deal of sound historical matter.

H.W.  WILLIAMS. Russia of the Russians. 1914. 6s. net.

ROTHAY REYNOLDS. My Russian Year. 1913. 10s. 6d. net.

Two good books dealing with life in contemporary Russia.  The first is the best and most comprehensive treatment of the new Russia which has emerged from the revolutionary period, and gives one not merely the political but also the social and artistic aspect.  The other book is lightly and entertainingly written.

STEPHEN GRAHAM. Undiscovered Russia. 1911. 12s. 6d. net.

STEPHEN GRAHAM. Changing Russia. 1913. 7s. 6d. net.

STEPHEN GRAHAM. With the Russian Pilgrims to Jerusalem. 1913. 7s. 6d. net.

Mr. Stephen Graham may be said to have discovered the Russian peasant for English people, and his books give an extraordinarily vivid and sympathetic picture of Russian peasant-life by one who knows it from the inside.  They afford also the best account of religion in Russia as a living force, while those who wish to know more of the Orthodox Church as an institution may be referred to chaps. xxvi. and xxvii. of Mr. Baring’s Russian People; chap. viii. of the same writer’s Mainsprings of Russia; and chap. vi. of Sir C. Eliot’s (Odysseus) Turkey in Europe (7s. 6d. net).  The second of Mr. Graham’s books deals with the threatening industrial changes in Russia.  The third is a fine piece of literature as well as being the only account in any language of one of the most characteristic figures in modern Russian life—­the peasant-pilgrim.

SIR D.M.  WALLACE. Russia. 2 vols. 1905. 24s. net.

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The War and Democracy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.