Andrew Golding eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 134 pages of information about Andrew Golding.

Andrew Golding eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 134 pages of information about Andrew Golding.

But Althea could not forget Lacy’s words about Andrew, nor could I persuade her they were false tales spoken in pure despite; she brooded over them, remembering all the tales we had heard of good men’s sufferings in poisonous infected dungeons; and at last she said to me,—­

’I wish Lacy had but said in what prison he saw our Andrew; however, it was in London, Lucy? sure he said London?’

‘Ay,’ said I, ’that’s what he said, if you can pin any faith on the raving talk of a plague-stricken man.’

‘He spoke truth,’ said she; ’I am too sure of it.  Now there will not be so many gaols in London town, Lucy, but I can find out where Andrew lies; and if I cannot have him out, I can supply his wants at least.’

‘Althea, Althea, you do not dream of going up?’ I cried; ’it were sinful madness!  By all accounts the sickness increases there from day to day; the poor people die like flies.’

‘I care not,’ says she; and I found her immoveably set on taking this journey speedily.  She was getting together all the money she could, and her jewels too, intending to turn them into money if needful; and she was packing some clothes in very small compass, so as to carry them herself as she journeyed.

‘It is not likely,’ she said, ’that I shall find companions on such a journey.  I must learn to be my own servant.’

But I had soon resolved that one companion she should have, and that should be myself; so, after a few more vain efforts to shake her resolution, I acquainted her with mine; and with incredible trouble I got her to agree to it, for I said at last that the roads were as free to me as to her; if she so disliked my company as she said, she might take the right side of the way and I would take the left.  ’But where thou goest,’ said I, ‘there will I go, Althea.’

‘Take heed,’ she replied instantly, ’that it be not “Where thou diest I will die, and there will I be buried."’

‘So let it be,’ I said, ’if it is Heaven’s will; but you go not up alone;’ upon which she yielded, saying she had not thought I had so much sturdiness.

I cannot deny I thought it a mad expedition, though I dreamed not of the straits into which we have since been driven.  But I had prayed again and again for guidance, and always it grew clearer to me that I must cleave to my sister.  So I made haste to get ready for our wild journey; and after Althea’s example, I sewed certain moneys and jewels into the clothes I wore, and put a competent sum in my purse.  Then came the telling the Standfasts of our intent.  They opposed it at first with all their might, and no wonder; then, their anxiety about Andrew making them yield a little, Matthew took his stand on this, that we must have some protector.

‘A man-servant you have at least, or you do not stir,’ quoth he.

‘But you cannot be spared from this place,’ we urged; ’and who else is there faithful and bold enough for such a service?’

Project Gutenberg
Andrew Golding from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.