The Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 678 pages of information about The Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France.

The Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 678 pages of information about The Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France.

[9] The manifesto which he left behind him when starting for Montmedy.

[10] The king.

[11] Feuillet de Conches, ii., p. 228; Arneth, p. 203.

[12] The Emperor Leopold died March 1st, 1792.

[13] The declaration of Pilnitz, drawn up by the emperor and the King of Prussia at a personal interview, August 21st, 1791, did not in express words denounce the new Constitution (which, in fact, they had not seen), but, after declaring “the situation of the King of France to be a matter of common interest to all European sovereigns,” and expressing a hope that “the reality of that interest will be duly appreciated by the other powers whose assistance they invoke,” they propose that those other powers “shall employ, in conjunction with their majesties, the most efficacious means, in order to enable the King of France to consolidate in the most perfect liberty the foundation of a monarchical government, conformable alike to the rights of sovereigns and the well-being of the French nation.”—­ Alison, ch. ix., Section 90.

[14] Arneth, p. 208.

[15] Ibid, p. 210; Feuillet de Conches, ii., p. 325.

[16] Letter, date December 3d, 1791.  Feuillet de Conches, iv., p. 278.

[17] Madame de Campan, ch xix.

[18] “Leurs touffes de cheveux noirs volaient dans la salle, eux seuls a cette epoque avaient quitte l’usage de poudrer les cheveux.”—­Note on the Passage by Madame de Campan, ch xix.

[19] This first Assembly, as having framed the Constitution, is often called the Constituent Assembly; the second, that which was about to meet, being distinguished as the Legislative Assembly.


[1] “Memoires Particuliers,” etc., par A.F.  Bertrand de Moleville, i., p. 355.  Brissot, Isnard, Vergniaud, Gaudet, and an infamous ecclesiastic, the Abbe Fauchet, are those whom he particularly mentions, adding:  “Mais M. de Lessart trouva que c’etait les payer trop cher, et comme ils ne voulurent rien rabattre de leur demande, cette negociation n’eut aucune suite, et ne produisit d’autre effet que d’aigrir davantage ces cinq deputes contre ce ministre.”

[2] Feuillet de Conches, ii., p.414, date October 4th:  “Je pense qu’au fond le bon bourgeois et le bon peuple ont toujours ete bien pour nous.”

[3] “Memoires Particuliers,” etc., par A.F.  Bertrand de Moleville, i., p. 10-12.  It furnishes a striking proof of the general accuracy of Dr. Moore’s information, that he, in his “View” (ii., p. 439), gives the name account of this conversation, his work being published above twenty years before that of M. Bertrand de Moleville.

[4] “La reine lui repondit par un sourire de pitie, et lui demanda s’il etait fou....  C’est par la reine elle-meme que, le lendemain de cette etrange scene, je fus instruit de tous les details que je viens de rapporter.”—­BERTRAND DE MOLEVILLE, i., p. 126.

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The Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.