So Runs the World eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 149 pages of information about So Runs the World.

So Runs the World eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 149 pages of information about So Runs the World.

Anton.—­Quiet.  In the evening you must appear before the electors. 
Good-bye, Mr. Jozwowicz. (He goes out.)

Doctor (alone).—­He is the first.


Jozwowicz.  Jan Miliszewski.

Jan (appears in the half-open door).—­Pst!

Doctor.—­Who is there?

Jan.—­It is I, Miliszewski.  Are you alone?

Doctor.—­You may enter.  What then?

Jan.—­Everything is over.  He did not live five minutes.  I have ordered them to carry the body to Miliszewo.

Doctor.—­Your mother is not here?

Jan.—­I sent her to the city.  To-day is election day and mamma does not know that I have withdrawn, therefore she will wait for the evening papers in the hope that she will find my name among those elected.

Doctor.—­Did no one see?

Jan.—­I am afraid they will see the blood.  He bled dreadfully.

Doctor.—­A strange thing.  He was such a good marksman.

Jan.—­He permitted himself to be killed.  I saw that very plainly.  He did not fire at Drahomir at all.  He did not wish to kill Drahomir.  Six steps—­it was too near.  It was dreadful to look at his death.  Truly, I would have preferred to be killed myself.  They had to fire on command—­one! two! three!  We heard the shot, but only one.  We rushed—­Pretwic advanced two steps, knelt and tried to speak.  The blood flowed from his mouth.  Then he took up the pistol and fired to one side.  We were around him and he said to Drahomir:  “You have done me a favor and I thank you.  This life belonged to you, because you saved it.  Forgive me,” he said, “brother!” Then he said:  “Give me your hand” and expired. (He wipes his forehead with a handkerchief.) Drahomir threw himself on his breast—­it was dreadful.  Poor Princess Stella.  What will become of her now?

Doctor.—­For God’s sake, not a word in her presence.  She is ill.

Jan.—­I will be silent.

Doctor.—­You must control your emotion.

Jan.—­I cannot.  My knees are trembling.


The same.  The prince leaning on Stella’s shoulder, and Mrs. Czeska.

Prince.—­I thought Pretwic was with you.  Jozwowicz, where is Pretwic?

Doctor.—­I do not know.

Stella.—­Did he tell you where he was going?

Doctor.—­I know nothing about it.

Czeska (to Jan).—­Count, what is the matter with you?  You are so pale.

Jan.—­Nothing.  It is on account of the heat.

Prince.—­Jozwowicz, Pretwic told me—­


(The door opens suddenly.  Countess Miliszewska rushes in).

Countess.—­Jan, where is my Jan?  O God, what is the matter?  How dreadful!

Doctor (rushing toward her).—­Be silent, madam.

Stella.—­What has happened?

Project Gutenberg
So Runs the World from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.