So Runs the World eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 149 pages of information about So Runs the World.

So Runs the World eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 149 pages of information about So Runs the World.

Prince.—­Is it true that you are trying to become a member of parliament.

Doctor.—­At your service, Your Highness?

Prince.—­Mrs. Czeska.  Have you heard—­the world is upside down,

Doctor.—­What is it, Your Highness?

Prince.—­And perhaps you will also become a minister.

Doctor.—­It may be.

Prince.—­Did you hear?  And do you think that I will call you “Your

Doctor.—­It would be proper.

Prince.—­Jozwowicz, do you wish to give me a stroke of apoplexy?

Doctor.—­Be calm, Your Highness.  My Excellency will always take care of your Grace’s bile.

Prince.—­It is true.  The irritation hurts me.  What, Jozwowicz—­does it hurt me?

Doctor.—­Yes, it excites the bile, but it gives you an appetite. (He approaches with George.)

Stella.—­What were you talking about?

Doctor.—­I have been listening to George.  Horrible!  Dreadful!  George made a mistake by coming into the world two hundred years too late.  Bayards are not appreciated nowadays.

Czeska.—­Providence is above all.

Drahomir.—­I believe it also.

Doctor.—­Were I a mathematician, without contradicting you I would say that, as in many cases we do not know what X equals, we must take care of ourselves.

Prince.—­What are you saying?

Stella.—­Doctor, pray do not talk so sceptically, or there will be a war—­not with papa, but with me.

Doctor.—­My scepticism is ended where your words begin, therefore I surrender.

Stella.—­How gallant—­the member of parliament.


The same Servant.

Servant.—­Tea is served.

George.—­I must bid you good-bye.

Stella.—­Why, why are you going so early to-night?

Doctor (aside).—­My old schoolmate is at home here.

George.—­You must excuse me.  I am very happy with you, but to-night I must be going home.  I will leave Drahomir—­he will replace me.

Stella.—­To be angry with you would be to make you conceited.  But you must tell me why you are going.

George.—­The people who have lost their homes by fire are in my house. 
I must give some orders and provide for their necessities.

Czeska (aside).—­He is sacrificing pleasure to duty. (Aloud.) Stella!

Stella.—­What is it?

Czeska.—­To-morrow we must make some collections for them, and provide them with clothing.

Doctor.—­I will go with you, ladies.  It will be the first case in which misery did not search for the doctor, but the doctor searched for misery.

Czeska.—­Very clever.

Prince (rapping with the stick).—­Pretwic!

George.—­Your Highness, what do you order?

Prince.—­You say that this rabble is very poor?

George.—­Very poor, indeed.

Project Gutenberg
So Runs the World from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.