Beacon Lights of History, Volume 03 eBook

John Lord
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 284 pages of information about Beacon Lights of History, Volume 03.

Beacon Lights of History, Volume 03 eBook

John Lord
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 284 pages of information about Beacon Lights of History, Volume 03.
Consequent degradation of women
Paganism without religious consolation
Did not recognize the value of the soul
And thus took no cognizance of the higher aspirations of man
The revenge of woman under degradation
Women, under Paganism, took no interest in what elevates society
Men, therefore, fled to public amusements
No true society under Paganism
Society only created by Christianity


Glory and shame.

Glories of the ancient civilization
A splendid external deception
Moral evils
Imperial despotism
Prostration of liberties
Some good emperors
Disproportionate fortunes
Luxurious living
General extravagance
Pride and insolence of the aristocracy
Gibbon’s description of the nobles
The plebeian class
Hopelessness and disgrace of poverty
Popular superstitions
The slaves
The curse of slavery
Degradation of the female sex
Bitter satires of Juvenal
Games and festivals
Gladiatorial shows
General abandonment to pleasure
The baths
General craze for money-making
Universal corruption
Saint Paul’s estimate of Roman vices
Decline and ruin a logical necessity
The Sibylline prophecy


Volume III.

Cleopatra Tests the Poison which She Intends for Her
Own Destruction on Her Slaves.... Frontispiece
After the painting by Alexander Cabanel.

Justinian Orders the Compilation of the Pandects
After the painting by Benjamin Constant.

The Temple of Karnak
After a photograph.

The Laocooen
After the photograph from the statue in the Vatican, Rome.

The Death of Archimedes
After the painting by E. Vimont.

Race of Roman Chariots
After the painting by V. Checa.

Sale of Slaves in a Roman Camp
After the painting by R. Coghe.

Marcus Tullius Cicero
From the bust in the Uffizi Gallery, Florence.

Cleopatra Obtains an Interview with Caesar
After the painting by J.L.  Gerome.

Death of Cleopatra
After the painting by John Collier.

A Roman Bacchanal
After the painting by W. Kotarbinski.



624 B.C.-550 A.D.

Project Gutenberg
Beacon Lights of History, Volume 03 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.