American Big Game in Its Haunts eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about American Big Game in Its Haunts.

American Big Game in Its Haunts eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about American Big Game in Its Haunts.

Theodore Roosevelt

Wilderness Reserves
  Theodore Roosevelt.

The Zoology of North American Big Game
  Arthur Erwin Brown.

Big Game Shooting in Alaska: 

  I. Bear Hunting on Kadiak Island
  II.  Bear Hunting on the Alaska Peninsula
  III.  My Big Bear of Shuyak
  IV.  The White Sheep of Kenai Peninsula. 
  V. Hunting the Giant Moose
       James H. Kidder.

The Kadiak Bear and his Home
  W. Lord Smith.

The Mountain Sheep and its Range
  George Bird Grinnell.

Preservation of the Wild Animals of North America
  Henry Fairfield Osborn.

Distribution of the Moose
  Madison Grant.

The Creating of Game Refuges
  Alden Sampson.

Temiskaming Moose
  Paul J. Dashiell.

Two Trophies from India
  John H. Prentice.

Big-Game Refuges

Forest Reserves of North America


Forest Reserves as Game Preserves
  E.W.  Nelson.

Constitution of the Boone and Crockett Club

Rules of the Committee on Admission

Former Officers of the Boone and Crockett Club

Officers of the Boone and Crockett Club

List of Members

List of Illustrations

Theodore Roosevelt

President Roosevelt and Major Pitcher

Tourists and Bears

“Oom John”


Mountain Sheep

Deer on the Parade Ground

Whiskey Jacks

Wapiti in Deep Snow

Old Ephraim

Mountain Sheep at Close Quarters


A Silhouette of Blacktail

Black Bears at Hotel Garbage Heap

Chambermaid and Bear

Cook and Bear

Bull Bison

Trophies from Alaska

Loaded Baidarka—­Barabara—­Base of Supplies, Alaska Peninsula

The Hunter and his Home


Heads of Dall’s Sheep

My Best Head

St. Paul, Kadiak Island

Sunset in English Bay, Kadiak

Sitkalidak Island from Kadiak

A Kadiak Eagle

Bear Paths, Kadiak Island

Bear Paths, Kadiak Island

Merycodus osborni Matthew

Yearling Moose

Maine Moose; about 1890

Moose Killed 1892, with Unusual Development of Brow Antlers

Alaska Moose Head, Showing Unusual Development of Antlers

“Bierstadt” Head, Killed 1880

Probably Largest Known Alaska Moose Head

Temiskaming Moose

Temiskaming Moose

Temiskaming Moose

Temiskaming Moose

A Kahrigur Tiger

Project Gutenberg
American Big Game in Its Haunts from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.