The Peace Negotiations eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 291 pages of information about The Peace Negotiations.

The Peace Negotiations eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 291 pages of information about The Peace Negotiations.
On account of the intimate relations existing between Messrs. Miller and Auchincloss and Colonel House it seems reasonable to assume that their comments and suggestions were approved by, if they did not to an extent originate with, the Colonel.  The memorandum was first made public by Mr. William C. Bullitt during his hearing before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in September, 1919 (Senate Doc. 106, 66th Congress, 1st Session, pages 1177 et seq.).

The most important amendment to the Covenant suggested by these advisers was, in my judgment, the one relating to Article III of the draft, which became Article 10 in the Treaty.  After a long criticism of the President’s proposed guaranty, in which it is declared that “such an agreement would destroy the Monroe Doctrine,” and that “any guaranty of independence and integrity means war by the guarantor if a breach of the independence or integrity of the guaranteed State is attempted and persisted in,” the memorandum proposed that the following be substituted: 

   “Each Contracting Power severally covenants and guarantees that it
   will not violate the territorial integrity or impair the political
   independence of any other Contracting Power.”

This proposed substitute should be compared with the language of the “self-denying covenant” that I sent to the President on December 23, 1918, the pertinent portion of which is repeated here for the purpose of such comparison: 

“Each power signatory or adherent hereto severally covenants and guarantees that it will not violate the territorial integrity or impair the political sovereignty of any other power signatory or adherent to this convention, ...”

The practical adoption of the language of my proposed substitute in the memorandum furnishes conclusive proof that Colonel House was “entirely converted” to my form of a guaranty as he had frankly assured me that he was on the evening of January 6.  I am convinced also that Mr. Henry White and General Bliss held the same views on the subject.  It is obvious that President Wilson was the only one of the American representatives at Paris who favored the affirmative guaranty, but, as he possessed the constitutional authority to determine independently the policy of the United States, his form of a guaranty was written into the revised draft of a Covenant submitted to the Commission on the League of Nations and with comparatively little change was finally adopted in the Treaty of Peace with Germany.

The memorandum prepared by Messrs. Miller and Auchincloss was apparently in the President’s hands before the revised draft was completed, for certain changes in the original draft were in accord with the suggestions made in their memorandum.  His failure to modify the guaranty may be considered another rejection of the “self-denying covenant” and a final decision to insist on the affirmative form of guaranty in spite of the unanimous opposition of his American colleagues.

Project Gutenberg
The Peace Negotiations from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.