The Outdoor Chums eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 170 pages of information about The Outdoor Chums.

The Outdoor Chums eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 170 pages of information about The Outdoor Chums.

As the two lads came crawling out of the canvas they were startled to discover a heavy pall of smoke rising all around them.



“Wake up! wake up!”

Both Frank and Jerry shouted at the top of their strong voices.  The others came tumbling into view, and loud were their expressions of dismay at the terrible sight that met their eyes.

“Get busy here, every one!  Water wanted, and never mind your clothes!”

Even while he was speaking Frank jumped into action.  The night air struck home, and made him shiver, for he had just tumbled out from between the snug folds of his blanket; but this was a time when delay might mean the complete wiping out of the camp.

Will gave a whoop and immediately vanished again inside the tent.  He had not gone to rescue any of his clothes, nor did he even think of getting into them; but when he reappeared it was with his camera hugged tightly in his arms.

Meanwhile the others had set to work with a vim.  There was fortunately no wind, so that the fire had burned sluggishly.  Then again the late storm had wet the dead leaves then on the ground, and they had not as yet become thoroughly dry, so it took quite some time for them to get over smouldering, and burst into a vigorous flame.

“We’re getting it down, fellows; keep right along hitting it hard!” called Frank, cheerily.

Even old Toby had appeared from under the fly where he slept.  He had been dreadfully scared at first, doubtless under the impression that the mate to the dead bob-cat had invaded the camp, intent on revenge.  This feeling soon gave way to the desire to see the camp saved, and he labored faithfully with the rest.

Scattering the smouldering leaves, beating out the fire with any sort of thing they could snatch up in their excitement, they managed to get the flames under control after a little while.

It had been a most exciting experience, however.  Bluff was swinging his blanket vigorously, and thrashing the fire with it effectively; though he might later on have some difficulty in getting rid of the smudges that this process necessarily produced.

“Victory!” shouted Jerry, when the last vestige of the fire had gone under.

Bluff threw his blanket around his shoulders and strutted about with the air of a conqueror;

“They have to get up early in the morning if they expect to beat us,’’ he said, proudly.

“Talk about your hot times, that was a scorcher!” cried Jerry.

“But I’m beginning to shiver now all right; and I advise every one to crawl into his clothes in a hurry.  Then we can talk it over.  It’s a mighty suspicious thing, that’s what,” remarked Frank.

They were only too glad to take his advice, and shortly after the four gathered around the revived campfire to exchange opinions.

Project Gutenberg
The Outdoor Chums from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.