Peck's Bad Boy at the Circus eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 196 pages of information about Peck's Bad Boy at the Circus.

Peck's Bad Boy at the Circus eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 196 pages of information about Peck's Bad Boy at the Circus.

They don’t like pa any better than they do me, and the big elephant seems to have been laying for pa ever since he run the sharp iron into him, the time he got on a tear and tried to run a town.  When the elephants are performing in the ring, they all have an eye on pa, so everybody notices it.  I knew something would happen to pa, so when the man who plays the sheik, and rides the elephant in the street parade, in a howdah, with a canopy over it, with some female houris in it, and they called for a volunteer to do the sheik act, at Steubenville, and pa offered to do the stunt, I went along as an Egyptian girl, ’cause I knew there would be something doing.

The elephant eyed pa when he got up into the bungalow on top of him with the Circassian woman and me, and winked at the other elephants, as much as to say:  “Watch my smoke.”  As he went out from the lot, on the way downtown, ahead of the bunch, all the other animals acted peculiar, and seemed to say:  “He will get his before we get through this parade.”

The big elephant is one of the best ring performers, but he has always been steady in the street parade, with the light of Asia on his back.  We got to the edge of town and stopped to let the rear wagons close up, and were in front of a saloon, where the bartender had been emptying stale beer out of the bottoms of kegs into a washtub, which was standing on the sidewalk, ready to be sold to people who buy it in pails.

Well, sir, that confounded elephant got his trunk in that tub of stale beer, and he never took it out till the beer was all gone.  I looked down from the pagoda and told pa the elephant was drinking again, and had drank a washtub of beer, but pa couldn’t say anything, ’cause he was doing the Arab sheik act, and had to look dignified, as though he was praying to Allah.

But just then the band struck up, and we started down the main street of Steubenville.  The people began to cheer, ’cause our elephant began to hippity-hop, and waltz sideways across the street and back again, and I thought pa would die.  In the parade one man on a horse attends to the elephants, so the sheiks don’t have anything to say, and pa remained like a statue, and told me and the Circassian beauties to be calm, and trust in him and Allah.  This Allah business was all right when the elephant waltzed, but when we got to the next block the beast began to stand on his hind feet, and pa and the houris rolled to the back end of the howdah, and were all piled in a heap, while I held on to the cloth of gold over the elephant’s head.

Pa yelled to the people on horseback to kill the elephant, and the crowd cheered, thinking it was the best performance they ever saw in a free street parade, and the animals in the cages behind were yapping as though they knew what was going on.  The elephant got down on all fours, and we straightened up in the pagoda, and for a block or so the beast only waltzed around.  As we got to some sort of a public square, where there

Project Gutenberg
Peck's Bad Boy at the Circus from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.