Divine Comedy, Cary's Translation, Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 602 pages of information about Divine Comedy, Cary's Translation, Complete.

Divine Comedy, Cary's Translation, Complete eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 602 pages of information about Divine Comedy, Cary's Translation, Complete.

v. 33.  The scourge.] “The chastisement of envy consists in hearing examples of the opposite virtue, charity.  As a curb and restraint on this vice, you will presently hear very different sounds, those of threatening and punishment.”

v. 87.  Citizens Of one true city.] “For here we have no continuing city, but we seek to come.”  Heb.  C. xiii. 14.

v. 101.  Sapia.] A lady of Sienna, who, living in exile at Colle, was so overjoyed at a defeat which her countrymen sustained near that place that she declared nothing more was wanting to make her die contented.

v. 114.  The merlin.] The story of the merlin is that having been induced by a gleam of fine weather in the winter to escape from his master, he was soon oppressed by the rigour of the season.

v. 119.  The hermit Piero.] Piero Pettinagno, a holy hermit of Florence.

v. 141.  That vain multitude.] The Siennese.  See Hell, Canto XXIX. 117.  “Their acquisition of Telamone, a seaport on the confines of the Maremma, has led them to conceive hopes of becoming a naval power:  but this scheme will prove as chimerical as their former plan for the discovery of a subterraneous stream under their city.”  Why they gave the appellation of Diana to the imagined stream, Venturi says he leaves it to the antiquaries of Sienna to conjecture.


v. 34.  Maim’d of Pelorus.] Virg.  Aen. 1. iii. 414.

—­a hill Torn from Pelorus Milton P. L. b. i. 232

v. 45.  ’Midst brute swine.] The people of Casentino.

v. 49.  Curs.] The Arno leaves Arezzo about four miles to the left.

v. 53.  Wolves.] The Florentines.

v. 55.  Foxes.] The Pisans

v. 61.  Thy grandson.] Fulcieri de’ Calboli, grandson of Rinieri de’ Calboli, who is here spoken to.  The atrocities predicted came to pass in 1302.  See G. Villani, 1. viii c. 59

v. 95.  ’Twixt Po, the mount, the Reno, and the shore.] The boundaries of Romagna.

v. 99.  Lizio.] Lizio da Valbona, introduced into Boccaccio’s Decameron, G. v.  N, 4.

v. 100.  Manardi, Traversaro, and Carpigna.1 Arrigo Manardi of Faenza, or as some say, of Brettinoro, Pier Traversaro, lord of Ravenna, and Guido di Carpigna of Montefeltro.

v. 102.  In Bologna the low artisan.] One who had been a mechanic named Lambertaccio, arrived at almost supreme power in Bologna.

v. 103.  Yon Bernardin.] Bernardin di Fosco, a man of low origin but great talents, who governed at Faenza.

v. 107.  Prata.] A place between Faenza and Ravenna

v. 107.  Of Azzo him.] Ugolino of the Ubaldini family in Tuscany He is recounted among the poets by Crescimbeni and Tiraboschi.

v. 108.  Tignoso.] Federigo Tignoso of Rimini.

v. 109.  Traversaro’s house and Anastagio’s.] Two noble families of Ravenna.  She to whom Dryden has given the name of Honoria, in the fable so admirably paraphrased from Boccaccio, was of the former:  her lover and the specter were of the Anastagi family.

Project Gutenberg
Divine Comedy, Cary's Translation, Complete from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.