Plain Words from America eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 37 pages of information about Plain Words from America.

Plain Words from America eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 37 pages of information about Plain Words from America.
first endeavour to picture the American opinion of Germany and the Germans before the war, since this was the background upon which later opinions were formed.  I will then explain the sources of information which were open to Americans after the war began; and will next describe how this information produced an American opinion unfavourable to Germany, as observed by one who has read widely and watched the trend of his country’s thought with keen interest.  If this analysis is successful in convincing you that American opinion does not rest on English lies, is not the result of a venal press controlled by British gold, but has a far more substantial foundation, then my letter will not have been written in vain.  If you are not convinced, but prefer to retain the comforting belief that if America only knew the truth it would applaud Germany’s actions, then I shall, at least, have the satisfaction of knowing that I earnestly endeavoured, in good faith, to return the courtesy which you showed me when you wrote so fully, by telling you with equal fulness the truth as I see it.


First, then, let me picture the background of public opinion toward Germany and the Germans as I saw it before the war began.  Inasmuch as one’s vision may be affected favourably or unfavourably by his personal experiences, it is only fair that I state briefly my own experiences with people of German birth or parentage.  One of my earliest recollections is of a German maid in our household who taught me to make my wants known in the German language, and also taught me to love her as I did members of my own family.  In college, one of my two favourite professors and one of my college chums were of German parentage.  Both these men are still valued friends, and both believe in the righteousness of Germany’s cause.  I have spent parts of three summers in Germany, and have many German friends, both in America and in Europe.  The two Europeans in my special field of science for whom I have the greatest personal affection are German professors in Berlin and Leipzig respectively.  I have more personal friends in the German army than in the Allied armies.  My sister is married to a professor of German descent and German sympathies.  Surely, therefore, if personal relationships prejudice me at all, they should prejudice me in favour of Germans and things German.

In my opinion, the American estimate of Germany and her citizens prior to the war was, in general, most favourable.  Certainly America looked with admiration upon the remarkable advance achieved by Germany in the short space of forty years.  To your universities we have always acknowledged a great debt.  We have profited much by your advances in economic lines and admired the combination of scientific research and business which made your countrymen efficient in many lines.  The large number of your people who have emigrated to America have, in the main, made

Project Gutenberg
Plain Words from America from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.