English Housewifery eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 227 pages of information about English Housewifery.

English Housewifery eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 227 pages of information about English Housewifery.

59.  STRONG MEAD another Way.

To thirty quarts of water, put ten quarts of honey, let the water be pretty warm, then break in the honey, stirring it till it be all dissolv’d, boil it a full half hour, when clean scum’d that no more will rise, put in half an ounce of hops, pick’d clean from the stalks; a quarter of an ounce of ginger sliced (only put in half the ginger) and boil it a quarter of an hour longer; then lade it out into the stand thro’ a hair-tems, and put the remainder of the ginger in, when it is cold tun it into the vessel, which must be full; but not clay’d up till near a month:  make it the latter end of September, and keep it a year in the vessel after it is clay’d up.


To half a peck of flour, put a full jill of new yeast, and a little salt, make it with new milk (warmer than from the cow) first put the flour and barm together, then pour in the milk, make it a little stiffer than a seed-cake, dust it and your hands well with flour, pull it in little pieces, and mould it with flour very quick; put it in the dishes, and cover them with a warm cloth (if the weather requires it) and let them rise till they are half up, then set them in the oven, (not in the dishes, but turn them with tops down upon the peel;) when baked rasp them.

61. The fine RUSH CHEESE.

Take one quart of cream, and put to it a gallon of new milk, pretty warm, adding a good spoonful of earning; stir in a little salt, and set it before the fire till it be cum’d; then put it into a vat in a cloth; after a day and night turn it out of the vat into a rush box nine inches in length and five in breadth.  The rushes must be wash’d every time the cheese is turn’d.




  First Course
    At the Top Gravy Soop. 
    Remove Fish. 
    At the Bottom a Ham. 
    In the Middle stew’d Oysters or Brawn. 
        For the four corners. 
    A Fricassy of Rabbits, Scotch Collops, boil’d Chickens, Calf Foot
      Pie, or Oyster Loaves.

  Second Course
    At the Top Wild Ducks. 
    At the Bottom a Turkey. 
    In the Middle Jellies or Lemon Posset. 
        For the four Corners. 
    Lobster and Tarts, Cream Curds, stew’d Pears or preserv’d Quinces.


  First Course
    At the Top a Soop remove. 
    At the Bottom Salmon or stew’d Breast of Veal. 
        For the four Corners. 
    A Couple of Fowls with Oyster Sauce, Pudding, Mutton Cutlets, a
      Fricassy of Pig’s Ears.

  Second Course
    At the Top Partridges. 
    At the Bottom a Couple of Ducks. 
        For the four Corners. 
    Stew’d Apples, preserv’d Quinces, Custards, Almond Cheese Cakes. 
    In the Middle Jellies.

Project Gutenberg
English Housewifery from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.