Happiness and Marriage eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 79 pages of information about Happiness and Marriage.

Happiness and Marriage eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 79 pages of information about Happiness and Marriage.

Then DO it.

So much for the old love.  As to the new one, not even you can know for certain whether that other man would pan out the soul mate you now imagine him.  But the Law of Love, or Attraction, will prove whether or not he is what you think. Your Own will come to you, and all creation can’t hinder it—­IF you keep that man was NOT what I longed for, a real comrade; sweet and cool, and free in your own mind, and make the best of THIS day as it comes along.

Ages ago I had a similar experience to yours.  I found the only and original one intended for me.  But I was tied to another man—­NOT by a ceremony, for that ties nobody, but by my own conscience, which compelled me to “stand by” the man I thought “needed” me.  So I stood, though I thought my heart was broken.  In a few years I found that my soul mate was no mate at all!—­I wouldn’t have had him as a gracious gift!  I felt like Ben Franklin who, as a barefooted boy, resolved that when he grew up and had pennies he would buy a stick of red striped peppermint candy; but when he grew up and had the pennies he didn’t want the candy.

I have learned to smile at that experience as the bitterest and sweetest of my past life, and the source of volumes of wisdom.  The Law of Attraction knew and the Law kept him from me.  I afterward found the real comrade, and more than the joy I thought I had forever missed!

“We are pretty silly children, dearie, without the child’s best quality, TRUST.”

Just you let go of everything and everybody and apply yourself to doing THIS hour, with love, what your hands find to do; and trust the Law to bring you in due time ALL the good things you ever desired.

ACCEPT what comes as from the Law; meet it kindly and do your best.

The time came when I left my husband and secured a divorce.  This may be your time to leave, or it may not.  But NO one can know but yourself, and you will know as soon as you really want to know what is RIGHT, and get quiet enough to find the decision about which you have no doubt.  “BLESSED is he that doubteth not in that thing which he alloweth.”  “He that doubteth is damned already.”  When you are sure, then go ahead; and the whole universe, seen and unseen, will work together for you and with you.

What is it that ties you to one man and not to another?  Not the words of a priest or a justice of the peace.  It is your thought about the matter, and his thought about the matter, which ties you.  You may not have thought you were tied until the preacher told you; but not his words but your acceptance does the real tying.

If you are ever freed from a husband you must think yourself free—­just as you must think yourself free from any other bondage.  I thought myself free several years before I applied for a legal separation; so that when I did apply it was to me merely a technicality.

Project Gutenberg
Happiness and Marriage from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.