Razor Girl Summary
Carl Hiaasen

Everything you need to understand or teach Razor Girl by Carl Hiaasen.

  • Razor Girl Summary & Study Guide

Razor Girl Overview

Carl Hiaasen's Razor Girl is the story of a cast of characters whose lives intersect with each other in Key West, Florida. The main action revolves around two characters, Andrew Yancy, a former policeman who was demoted after attacking a man with a vacuum cleaner and Merry Mansfield (Razor Girl), a woman who runs a scam rear-ending people and then delivering them to members of the Mafia. The unlikely team works together as Andrew tries to solve a high-profile murder, before the real detectives do hoping to get his badge back. During the investigation, sub-plots emerge involving a man who runs a sand stealing scheme and a lawyer who becomes addicted to the product he is suing on behalf of its victims.

Study Pack

The Razor Girl Study Pack contains:

Razor Girl Study Guide

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