Homecoming Summary
Harold Pinter

Everything you need to understand or teach Homecoming by Harold Pinter.

  • 5 Literature Criticisms
  • 30 Homecoming Lessons
  • 20 Activities
  • 180 Multiple Choice Questions
  • 60 Short Essay Questions
  • 20 Essay Questions
  • Pre-Made Tests and Quizzes
  • ...and more

Homecoming Overview

The Homecoming is a play by Harold Pinter that spans several days in the life of Max, a working-class British man in his seventies, Max's brother Sam, and Max's three sons, Lenny, Joey, and Teddy. Max, Sam, Lenny and Joey all live in the same house, but Teddy, a professor, has emigrated to America and married Ruth, and they have three children together. When Teddy returns home with Ruth for the first time on an unannounced visit, the men in the house compete for Ruth's attention in an ever-escalating show of toxic machismo, all while insulting each other and threatening violence. The play ends with Ruth deciding to stay in Max's house while Teddy leaves to go back to America, after Lenny and Max have made an overt "offer" to Ruth that she work as a prostitute to contribute to their household expenses. The play examines themes of power and dominance; different perceptions of women and of women's roles in a family and society; and the nuances and meanings of silence in charged interactions.

Study Pack

The Homecoming Study Pack contains:

Harold Pinter Biographies (3)

846 words, approx. 3 pages
The English playwright Harold Pinter (born 1930) ranks among the foremost postwar British dramatists. A master of menace, he invested his plays with an atmosphere of fear, horror, and mystery.Harold P... Read more
12,679 words, approx. 43 pages
[This entry was updated by Stephen Grecco (Pennsylvania State University) from his entry in the Concise Dictionary of British Literary Biography, volume 8, pp. 315-336.]Harold Pinter, Britain's most s... Read more
11,806 words, approx. 40 pages
Biography EssayHarold Pinter, Britain's most significant playwright since Bernard Shaw, was born in Hackney, a small working-class section just beyond the borders of London's East End. He grew up in a... Read more

Lesson Plan

Homecoming Lesson Plans contain 67 pages of teaching material, including:

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